Program Assessment
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Defense Basic Research
This program supports scientific study and experimentation to increase fundamental knowledge in the physical, engineering, environmental and life sciences of potential importance to the defense mission. The program is carried out primarily through grants to universities and non-profit organizations.
What This Rating Means |
This is the highest rating a program can achieve. Programs rated Effective set ambitious goals, achieve results, are well-managed and improve efficiency.
- The program has clear purposes. It helps develop technologies that provide options for new weapons, helps prevent technological suprise by adversaries and develops new scientists who will contribute to the DoD mission in the future.
- The program is reviewed regularly by technically capable outside expets, who recommend improvements they believe should be implemented. The experts indicate that the work is of overall high quality.
- Research earmarks have increased dramatically in the past 15-20 years. Such projects contribute less than typical projects to meeting the Department's mission, as they don't have to be screened for relevance or quality, and cost more to administer. Earmarks also reduce incentives for other projects to perform to peak potential, as non-earmarked projects encounter less competition for funding.
Improvement Plan
About Improvement Plans |
We are taking the following actions to improve the performance of the program:
- Emphasizing the use of independent review panels in assessing the performance of the program.
- Working with the research community and Congress to explain the need to limit claims on research grant funds to proposals that independently can meet the standards of a strict merit-review process.
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