Program Assessment
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AmeriCorps State and National Grants
The purpose of the AmeriCorps State and National program is to engage Americans in service to address unmet community needs in areas such as education, public safety, health, and the environment. Americorps provides grants to a wide variety of organizations to serve communities in addressing local needs.
What This Rating Means |
This rating describes a program that needs to set more ambitious goals, achieve better results, improve accountability or strengthen its management practices.
- Americorps has made notable progress in developing annual and long-term goals, and grantees report on self-nominated grant performance measures, but the program lacks adequate outcome measures that directly link to the program's purpose and an efficiency measure.
- Americorps should continue to improve its financial management practices, including finalizing methodology to determine National Service Trust.
- Americorps can increase the feedback it provides states and grantees throughout the grant cycle. States currently submit annual plans to improve coordination of federal, state, and local goals and funding. The program's authorizing statute limits mid-grant cycle performance-related reductions and terminations.
Improvement Plan
About Improvement Plans |
We are taking the following actions to improve the performance of the program:
- Developing performance measures that quantify the benefits of AmeriCorps projects to members and the communities in which they serve.
- Strengthen financial management practices by improving coordination between the budget and accounting offices.
- AmeriCorps should continue increasing member enrollment and retention rates to maximizing the utilization of grant funds.
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