Program Assessment
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Workforce Investment Act - Dislocated Worker Assistance
This program provides retraining and reemployment services for workers who have permanently lost their jobs. It does so through formula grants to States and local communities, who finance the training and services through local "One-Stop Career Centers."
What This Rating Means |
This rating describes a program that needs to set more ambitious goals, achieve better results, improve accountability or strengthen its management practices.
- The program has generally met its goals for increasing participants' reemployment and earnings after getting a new job. Program accountability has improved with the full implementation of common performance measures including a refined measurement of worker earnings.
- States and local communities have insufficient flexibility to help dislocated workers in innovative ways due to separate Federal funding streams and requirements. Under current law, this program and the Adult and Employment Service programs that also fall under the Workforce Investment Act are separate, even though they deliver similar services to workers through local One-Stop Career Centers.
- Too many resources are spent on administrative overhead. Separate funding streams and current regulations result in excessive administrative expenses for State and local offices. As a result, resources are diverted from providing workers job training and other services.
Improvement Plan
About Improvement Plans |
We are taking the following actions to improve the performance of the program:
- Working with Congress to reform the Workforce Investment Act. Reforms will consolidate funding for related programs, reduce administrative overhead and increase States' flexibility to tailor services.
- Conducting an evaluation to determine WIA services' impact on employment and earnings outcomes for participants. An evaluation using existing administrative data will be completed by December 2008.
- Adopting efficiency measures that are linked to performance outcomes, account for all costs, and facilitate comparisons across Department of Labor training and employment programs.
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