Program Assessment
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High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas
The High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas program awards grants to establish and operate multijurisdictional drug task forces in areas across the country. The program coodinates the activities of Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies participating in task forces it sponsors to reduce drug trafficking.
What This Rating Means |
This rating describes a program that needs to set more ambitious goals, achieve better results, improve accountability or strengthen its management practices.
- The program has developed performance measures and targets, which it plans to integrate with its 2009 budget request; measures include targets for dismantling or disrupting drug trafficking organizations, including high priority targets, value of seizures, and the cost per drug trafficking organization dismantled or disrupted.
- Better targeting the program's resources to areas with the greatest needs for drug trafficking assistance could improve results by increasing the disruption of drug trafficking activity.
- The program has not had an independent evaluation; without an independent evaluation the program's effectiveness cannot be determined.
Improvement Plan
About Improvement Plans |
We are taking the following actions to improve the performance of the program:
- Allocating future budget resources among High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas based on unique drug threats facing each area, the peformance of each area, and targeted law enforcement initiatives.
- Developing an evaluation strategy to assess the effectiveness of the program.
- Working with related drug task force programs (e.g., Justice's Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force and Byrne Grant drug task forces) to develop common performance measures and shared goals.
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