Program Assessment
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Education - State Assessment Grants
This program helps States put in place the assessments required under the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) for all students in grades 3-8, and once in high school, in reading and math, and the assessments required in science. These tests are used to hold schools and districts accountable for improving student achievement.
What This Rating Means |
This rating describes a program that needs to set more ambitious goals, achieve better results, improve accountability or strengthen its management practices.
- The program has a clear purpose and need, it is managed well, and the Department collects and uses data to assess whether States have met the 2005-06 statutory deadline for having reading and math assessments and are on track for meeting the 2007-08 deadline for science assessments.
- The program supports a significant component of NCLB accountability systems, but is dependent on States having data systems and the ability to collect, analyze, and act on testing data to improve student achievement. It is therefore important for these other aspects to be in place for the assessments to have a positive impact.
Improvement Plan
About Improvement Plans |
We are taking the following actions to improve the performance of the program:
- Conducting additional reviews of State assessment systems in 2007-08 to ensure that science assessments are of high quality. (The reviews of reading and math assessments are already complete.)
- Issuing guidance and providing technical assistance on the use of modified assessments for students with disabilities.
- Assessing whether State data systems are adequate for NCLB accountability purposes and whether States and school districts use those data effectively to improve student achievement.
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