Program Assessment
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Bureau of Land Management - Realty and Ownership Management
This program performs a variety of functions affecting land ownership and uses. The program issues rights-of-way authorizations, maintains Federal land ownership data, and makes land tenure adjustments, including the conveyance of lands to certain parties in the State of Alaska.
What This Rating Means |
This rating describes a program that needs to set more ambitious goals, achieve better results, improve accountability or strengthen its management practices.
- At the operational level, the program is relatively well-managed, but the bureau lacks adequate performance measures that focus on meaningful, strategic outcomes.
- The agency had not been adequately recovering the costs of processing certain realty actions for identifiable users. This has contributed, in part, to a continuing backlog in processing use authorizations.
- The Alaska conveyance program has operated in a morass of complicated and often conflicting statutes, regulations, and case law. This has prevented the agency from completing land conveyances in a timely manner. Although conveyance activities have been ongoing since the 1960s, less than 50% of all targeted acres have actually been conveyed to the State and to Alaska native corporations.
Improvement Plan
About Improvement Plans |
We are taking the following actions to improve the performance of the program:
- Developing new measures and refining a few existing measures to improve the program's focus on performance, and in particular, on outcomes.
- Implementing recently-completed regulations to improve cost recovery within the realty program and allow for more timely response to public demand for land use authorizations and other bureau actions.
- Implementing recent legislative changes to the Alaska conveyance program to reduce the cost of completing required conveyances and to speed up conveyances and the eventual completion of the program.
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