Program Assessment
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Military Construction Programs
The Department of Defense (DoD) Military Construction program provides capital assets necessary to support our military forces. The program is able to respond to emerging operational, weapon system, and other special program needs by acquiring real property for military installations.
What This Rating Means |
PERFORMING Moderately Effective
In general, a program rated Moderately Effective has set ambitious goals and is well-managed. Moderately Effective programs likely need to improve their efficiency or address other problems in the programs' design or management in order to achieve better results.
- DoD has developed a long-term strategic plan to manage its capital assets. The plan will help improve its business practices by incorporating performance measurements, process efficiencies, and life-cycle cost analyses in decision-making.
- The program is more responsive to customer needs. Requirements are increasingly being determined by the Services, while headquarters provides oversight.
- A key performance measure is the facilities recapitalization metric. The metric helps DoD to evaluate adequacy of corporate-level capital investments by using economic assessments and estimated service life for each facility. In FY 2006, DoD achieved an average building replacement rate of 110 years. In FY 2007, DoD plans to reach 72 years, while the goal continues to be 67 years.
Improvement Plan
About Improvement Plans |
We are taking the following actions to improve the performance of the program:
- Continuing to improve the facilities recapitalization metric, the quality rating, and the process for assessing facility conditions.
- Reviewing the current construction agent customer surveys to develop a DoD Customer Satisfaction performance measure for the Military Construction Program.
- Developing performance measures that: 1) evaluate project cost variation between budget documentation and awarded contract and 2) assess the reasonableness of construction duration.
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