Program Assessment
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Education - Neglected and Delinquent State Agency Program
The purpose of this program is to improve educational services for students in institutions for neglected and delinquent children and youth. The program supports youth in creating a transition plan from instituitionalization to further schooling or employment and also provides at-risk youth with a support system.
What This Rating Means |
This rating describes a program that needs to set more ambitious goals, achieve better results, improve accountability or strengthen its management practices.
- The program addresses a compelling need. Incarcerated and institutionalized children and youth tend to have poor educational outcomes, and the number of these students is increasing. Studies show that education reduces recidivism.
- For the first time in its history, the program has two years of data for long-term and annual performance measures, and these data showed some improvements. For two of its four measures, the program exceeded its annual performance targets.
- While the program is well-managed, monitoring revealed that State agencies were sometimes unaware of the funds and other tools available for improving transition services and therefore were not maximizing their capacity to implement transition activities.
Improvement Plan
About Improvement Plans |
We are taking the following actions to improve the performance of the program:
- Pursuing legislative, regulatory or administrative changes that would enable the program to collect data on achievement once students leave institutions, including data on high school completion.
- Enhancing technical assistance to States in the area of transition services to ensure they are providing the required services to help students transition successfully to further schooling or work.
- Utilizing performance data to target services and monitoring activities on areas of greatest need.
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