Program Assessment
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Indian Education Grants to Local Educational Agencies
This Department of Education (ED) program assists local educational agencies (LEAs) in providing Indian students with educational services that both address their unique educational and culturally related academic needs and help them achieve to the same challenging State performance standards expected of all students.
What This Rating Means |
This rating describes a program that needs to set more ambitious goals, achieve better results, improve accountability or strengthen its management practices.
- ED has adopted annual and long-term performance measures focused on Indian student achievement on a variety of National and State assessments. Initial performance data show significant gains in the percentage of Indian students in grades 3-8 meeting proficiency standards in reading/language arts and mathematics on State administered assessments.
- ED has made improvements in program management, including initiating a project to automate collection of student performance data for the program's approximately 1,200 grantees.
- The program's broad eligibility requirements and small grant size may limit program effectiveness by spreading resources too thinly to impact student performance.
Improvement Plan
About Improvement Plans |
We are taking the following actions to improve the performance of the program:
- Implementing a system to collect, review, analyze and publicly report grantee-level student achievement data.
- Assisting States in obtaining and using disaggregated Indian student data from statewide assessments to determine Indian student progress in meeting State achievement standards.
- Working with Congress to address statutory requirements that have made the program vulnerable to abuse and limited its ability to significantly impact the educational outcomes of Indian students.
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