Program Assessment
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Customs and Border Protection: Automation Modernization
This program will provide integrated information technology systems throughout Customs and Border Protection, apply automated technology to facilitate the processes associated with International trade, and improve the delivery of information regarding international cargo and travelers.
What This Rating Means |
This is the highest rating a program can achieve. Programs rated Effective set ambitious goals, achieve results, are well-managed and improve efficiency.
- Automation Modernization program's purpose, design, planning and management practices are well established.
- Annual performance measures target and show an ambitious progression over a six year timeframe, are well quantified, and attainable. Linkage between outcomes and performance measures is clear.
- Performance information is used to assess program performance and schedule. Emphasis on Earned Value Management with the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) is allowing the Office of Information Technology to predict potential future performance, plan for and implement corrective actions, and assess whether management changes have positively affected cost and schedule performance.
Improvement Plan
About Improvement Plans |
We are taking the following actions to improve the performance of the program:
- Focusing on performance goals that were not met in 2006, documenting progress for newer measures, and posting existing independent evaluations that demonstrate how programs are achieving results.
- Completing a production readiness review that examines risk and thresholds of schedule, performance, and cost to include advanced targeting in ACE and the International Trade Data System.
- Implementing an outreach strategy engaging industrial communities and companies to achieve future targets, measuring targeted top duty-paying companies against periodic payment participation.
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