Program Assessment
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Bureau of Reclamation: California Federal Bay-Delta (CALFED)
This federal-state-local program aims to improve long-term management of the water and ecosystems of California's Central Valley, focusing on the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. The program studies, monitors, and implements actions to improve water quality, water supply, ecosystem health, and levee stability.
What This Rating Means |
This rating describes a program that needs to set more ambitious goals, achieve better results, improve accountability or strengthen its management practices.
- Enactment of the Calfed Bay-Delta Authorization Act in 2004 re-authorized the program and established clear long-term goals, targets and cost-share criteria, authorized resources to achieve those goals, and addressed challenges regarding governance, coordination, and oversight.
- The program has had challenges with its inter-agency governance structure, especially with budget and program oversight. It is too early to tell whether recent changes to this structure will improve program performance and oversight.
- Not all federal entities are equally dedicated to achieving program goals. In addition, local project partners have not been as forthcoming as necessary to secure long-term success of certain program elements, especially the water storage program.
Improvement Plan
About Improvement Plans |
We are taking the following actions to improve the performance of the program:
- Suspending any storage study that at the time of its Draft Feasibility Study does not have a committed local cost-share partner and identified beneficiaries should the project be built.
- Initiating an independent science board review of the CALFED Program performance measures and targets to determine whether the Program is achieving intended results.
- Implementing the CALFED Act's Section 105 mandate that the Secretary of the Interior in consultation with the Governor determine whether the program is making 'balanced progress'.
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