Program Assessment
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Work Incentive Grants
The purpose of this Department of Labor program is to test ways to increase the labor force participation and career advancement of persons with disabilities. The program uses competitive grants to enable the nationwide network of local One-Stop Career Centers better serve those job seekers.
What This Rating Means |
This rating describes a program that needs to set more ambitious goals, achieve better results, improve accountability or strengthen its management practices.
- One of the management challenges for the program has been grantee accountability. In the program's early years, grantees reported their employment outcome information only after the grant had expired. The program then moved to renewable grants to encourage grantees to take corrective actions to improve performance.
- The program has tried varied approaches to improve One-Stop services to people with disabilities. Some of its projects made One-Stops more physically and programmatically accessible. Most recently, it funded disability program navigators to train One-Stop staff to more effectively serve people with disabilities and to expand partnerships to provide comprehensive, seamless services.
- The program is measuring whether participants secure and retain employment and improve their earnings. Because baselines and targets for these measures were just established in FY 2005, it could not demonstrate progress across all performance outcome measures.
Improvement Plan
About Improvement Plans |
We are taking the following actions to improve the performance of the program:
- Working with the Congress to terminate this program, which has successfully completed its mission of demonstrating various approaches to make One-Stop services accessible to people with disabilities.
- Monitoring closely the number of individuals with disabilities served by the One-Stop Career Centers to assess access by and service to participants with disabilities.
- Adopting efficiency measures that are linked to performance outcomes, account for all costs, and facilitate comparisons across Department of Labor training and employment programs.
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