Program Assessment
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Corps of Engineers: Environmental Stewardship
The Corps operates 456 dams, reservoirs and other water-related projects nationwide. It is responsible for adjacent Army Corps-owned land. This Corps-owned property covers 12 million acres, equal in size to the States of Vermont and New Hampshire combined. The purpose of this program is to manage this land responsibly.
What This Rating Means |
This rating describes a program that needs to set more ambitious goals, achieve better results, improve accountability or strengthen its management practices.
- The Corps has done an adequate job managing the land and other natural resources entrusted to it, but it needs to take a more proactive management approach so it has better knowledge of the resources it is responsible for. For example, it needs to complete natural resource inventories for the sites it manages.
- An up-to-date Master Plan can help the Corps manage its properties in a responsible way. Corps regulations require Master Plans for Corps properties but these are not always kept up-to-date.
- An independently-conducted comprehensive evaluation of the Environmental Stewardship program may provide additional information useful to enhance program effectiveness.
Improvement Plan
About Improvement Plans |
We are taking the following actions to improve the performance of the program:
- Preparing a series of natural resource inventories, focusing first on areas where an inventory is likely to improve Corps management.
- Preparing and updating Master Plans for Corps properties, as called for in Corps regulations, whenever doing so is cost-effective.
- Conducting an independent assessment of the Corps' Environmental Stewardship program.
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