Program Assessment
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Leadership Capacity
The Center for Leadership Capacity Services recruits and develops federal government leaders to improve agency performance through delivery of executive leadership programs, management leadership programs, custom solution programs, and succession planning programs.
What This Rating Means |
NOT PERFORMING Results Not Demonstrated
A rating of Results Not Demonstrated (RND) indicates that a program has not been able to develop acceptable performance goals or collect data to determine whether it is performing.
- The marketing of various training programs has been recently improved; however, the development of training curricula are not well coordinated among different training facilities. Also, the program has not systematically collected or used performance data or customer feeback across different programs; for example, the Presidential Management Fellows program has no outcome information.
- While many of the program's training courses cost less than competing curriculum offered in the private sector, the program does not have a consistent methodology for demonstrating that its training is more valuable per dollar spent. There is no evidence that managers who complete training make a lasting organizational impact when they return to their jobs.
- The program has recently set targets for its long-term and annual performance measures and collected data.
Improvement Plan
About Improvement Plans |
We are taking the following actions to improve the performance of the program:
- CLCS will standardize its course evaluation process, methodology and analysis of results across training centers and programs to improve overall program performance.
- Assessing the utility of new performance measures for program management and determining whether to revise or refine the measures to better demonstrate outcomes.
- Conducting an independent evaluation of its training program values and impacts on trainees and their organizations.
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