Program Assessment
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Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation Licensing and Inspection
The program enables the safe storage and transportation of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive materials. This occurs through regulatory oversight, licensing, inspection, and technical review as well as certification of transportation packages containing radioactive materials.
What This Rating Means |
This is the highest rating a program can achieve. Programs rated Effective set ambitious goals, achieve results, are well-managed and improve efficiency.
- The program's purpose and design are clear and sound. The program serves as the independent regulator for interim storage, security, and transportation of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive materials. It is not redundant or duplicative of any other Federal, State, local, or private effort.
- The program is achieving its long term safety and security goals with respect to storage and transportation of nuclear materials. However, the program does not have independent assessments of its performance conducted on a regular basis, which could help it become even more results-focused.
- The program does not link its budget requests and employee performance to accomplishing annual and agency long term goals. These connections are needed to provide transparency and to align program operations and employees with the goals of the agency.
Improvement Plan
About Improvement Plans |
We are taking the following actions to improve the performance of the program:
- Securing a regularly scheduled independent assessment, including evaluation of annual and long term performance measures, and efficiency and effectiveness of strategic planning and program management.
- Aligning operating and leadership plans with the performance budget and strategic plan. Resource needs will be clearly tied to achieving annual and agency long-term goals.
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