Program Assessment
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Africa Child Survival and Health
The Child Survival and Health programs in Africa have a broad-based mission: to foster a healthier population and to increase the effectiveness of African institutions. The programs accomplish this by providing child survival and maternal health, family planning, and research and prevention of infectious disease.
What This Rating Means |
This rating describes a program that needs to set more ambitious goals, achieve better results, improve accountability or strengthen its management practices.
- A new management strategy classifies countries as fragile or transformational. This strategy will tailor assistance tools as appropriate to countries in different stages of development. For example, fragile country programs aim to increase essential services and enhance protection of individuals whereas transformational country programs focus on improving standards of living and quality of life.
- The Agency for International Development is working to comply with federal financial management requirements. The Agency is actively rolling out a new financial management system which will integrate field and headquarters reporting and address many of concerns about the reliability of data and decentralized information.
- The health performance measures are internationally accepted and widely used. Most of the information on prevalence of contraceptive methods, for example, is collected through household surveys conducted in each country approximately once every 5 years. However, the Africa Bureau did not develop an efficiency measure that required increased efficiency of the program leading to lower marks.
Improvement Plan
About Improvement Plans |
We are taking the following actions to improve the performance of the program:
- Developing an efficiency measure for Africa health programs that demonstrates a commitment to programming funds at a lower cost either services, commodities, or total overhead.
- Planing evaluations that over a 5-8 year time provide a comprehensive picture of the performance of the Africa Health programs.
- Putting the new Strategic Framework in place so that better performing countries receive substantially more dollars and human resources than poorer performers.
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