Program Assessment
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Federal Communications Commission - Salaries and Expenses
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ensures that an orderly regulatory framework exists within which communications and media products and services can be quickly and reasonably provided to consumers, businesses, and public safety entities.
What This Rating Means |
This rating describes a program that needs to set more ambitious goals, achieve better results, improve accountability or strengthen its management practices.
- The FCC has broad regulatory authority over the communications and media sectors, and measures its performance in many areas by examining market trends. In areas where performance outcomes are more readily influenced by the agency's activities, such as enforcement of regulations and administrative efficiency, ongoing refinement of performance measures and targets is needed.
- The FCC does not regularly assess the costs and benefits of its regulatory actions, and so cannot determine if its regulations maximize net benefits to society.
- The FCC has taken recent steps to improve its financial management controls and address audit findings.
Improvement Plan
About Improvement Plans |
We are taking the following actions to improve the performance of the program:
- Working to refine performance measures, particularly as relates to administrative efficiency and enforcement of regulations.
- Explicitly defining desired outcomes in advance of regulatory action, and analyzing the impacts of regulations to ensure maximization of net benefits to society.
- Enhancing transparency and public participation in the regulatory process by including more specific proposals in Notices of Proposed Rulemaking.
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