Office of Personnel Management

Federal Funds

salaries and expenses

(including transfer of trust funds)

For necessary expenses to carry out functions of the Office of Personnel Management pursuant to Reorganization Plan Numbered 2 of 1978 and the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, including services as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 3109; medical examinations performed for veterans by private physicians on a fee basis; rental of conference rooms in the District of Columbia and elsewhere; hire of passenger motor vehicles; not to exceed $2,500 for official reception and representation expenses; advances for reimbursements to applicable funds of the Office of Personnel Management and the Federal Bureau of Investigation for expenses incurred under Executive Order No. 10422 of January 9, 1953, as amended; and payment of per diem and/or subsistence allowances to employees where Voting Rights Act activities require an employee to remain overnight at his or her post of duty, [$102,970,000] $95,769,000, of which [$5,908,000] $6,004,000 shall remain available until [September 30, 2011] expended for the Enterprise Human Resources Integration project; [$1,364,000] $1,416,000 shall remain available until [September 30, 2011] expended for the Human Resources Line of Business project; and in addition [$112,738,000] $121,738,000 for administrative expenses, to be transferred from the appropriate trust funds of the Office of Personnel Management without regard to other statutes, including direct procurement of printed materials, for the retirement and insurance programs, of which not more than [$9,300,000] $9,495,000 shall remain available until [September 30, 2011] expended for the cost of implementing the new integrated financial system [and not more than $4,000,000 shall remain available until September 30, 2011 for automating the retirement recordkeeping systems]: Provided, That the provisions of this appropriation shall not affect the authority to use applicable trust funds as provided by sections 8348(a)(1)(B), and 9004(f)(2)(A) of title 5, United States Code: Provided further, That no part of this appropriation shall be available for salaries and expenses of the Legal Examining Unit of the Office of Personnel Management established pursuant to Executive Order No. 9358 of July 1, 1943, or any successor unit of like purpose: Provided further, That the President's Commission on White House Fellows, established by Executive Order No. 11183 of October 3, 1964, may, during fiscal year [2010] 2011, accept donations of money, property, and personal services: Provided further, That such donations, including those from prior years, may be used for the development of publicity materials to provide information about the White House Fellows, except that no such donations shall be accepted for travel or reimbursement of travel expenses, or for the salaries of employees of such Commission[: Provided further, That within the funds provided, the Office of Personnel Management shall carry out the Intergovernmental Personnel Act Mobility Program, with special attention to Federal agencies employing more than 2,000 nurses: Provided further, That funding may be allocated to develop guidelines that provide Federal agencies direction in using their authority under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act Mobility Program, according to the directives outlined in the joint explanatory statement]. (Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, 2010.)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 24-0100-0-1-805 2009 actual 2010 est. 2011 est.

Obligations by program activity:
00.01 Employee Services 23 38 36
00.02 Merit System Audit & Compliance 26 16 14
00.03 Office of the Chief Financial Officer 1 19 19
00.04 Office of the Chief Information Officer 99 16 15
00.05 Executive Services 14 7 7
00.06 Planning & Policy Analysis 8 7 5

01.00 Total direct program 171 103 96
09.00 Reimbursable program 160 113 122

10.00 Total new obligations 331 216 218

Budgetary resources available for obligation:
21.40 Unobligated balance carried forward, start of year 9 12 12
22.00 New budget authority (gross) 331 216 218
22.10 Resources available from recoveries of prior year obligations 8

23.90 Total budgetary resources available for obligation 348 228 230
23.95 Total new obligations -331 -216 -218
23.98 Unobligated balance expiring or withdrawn -5

24.40 Unobligated balance carried forward, end of year 12 12 12

New budget authority (gross), detail:
40.00 Appropriation 93 103 96
41.00 Transferred to other accounts -1
42.00 Transferred from other accounts 1

43.00 Appropriation (total discretionary) 93 103 96
Spending authority from offsetting collections:
58.00 Offsetting collections (cash) 222 113 122
58.10 Change in uncollected customer payments from Federal sources (unexpired) 16

58.90 Spending authority from offsetting collections (total discretionary) 238 113 122

70.00 Total new budget authority (gross) 331 216 218

Change in obligated balances:
72.40 Obligated balance, start of year 15 3 13
73.10 Total new obligations 331 216 218
73.20 Total outlays (gross) -337 -206 -219
73.40 Adjustments in expired accounts (net) -2
73.45 Recoveries of prior year obligations -8
74.00 Change in uncollected customer payments from Federal sources (unexpired) -16
74.10 Change in uncollected customer payments from Federal sources (expired) 20

74.40 Obligated balance, end of year 3 13 12

Outlays (gross), detail:
86.90 Outlays from new discretionary authority 258 203 206
86.93 Outlays from discretionary balances 79 3 13

87.00 Total outlays (gross) 337 206 219

Against gross budget authority and outlays:
88.00 Offsetting collections (cash) from: Federal sources -245 -113 -122
Against gross budget authority only:
88.95 Change in uncollected customer payments from Federal sources (unexpired) -16
88.96 Portion of offsetting collections (cash) credited to expired accounts 23

Net budget authority and outlays:
89.00 Budget authority 93 103 96
90.00 Outlays 92 93 97

The Office of Personnel Management's (OPM) mission is to help agencies build an effective Federal civilian workforce based on merit system principles. OPM leads Federal agencies in the strategic management of their human resources, proposes and implements human resources management policy, and provides agencies with ongoing advice and technical assistance to implement these policies and initiatives. OPM also supports veterans' preference in Federal hiring and manages the process for personnel security and background checks for suitability and national security clearances. OPM continues to honor the Government's commitment to employees by managing the trust funds that support the retirement and insurance benefits they earn, and delivering excellent benefit services and support to civil servants both during and after their Federal careers. The 2011 Budget will permit OPM to pursue long-term human resources strategies that deliver results and enhance the values of the civil service.

The functions and objectives of the OPM major organizations are:

Employee Services.—Provides policy direction and leadership in designing, developing and promulgating Government-wide human resources systems and programs for recruitment, pay, leave, performance management and recognition, employee development, work/life/wellness programs, and labor and employee relations. Employee Services also provides technical support to agencies on the full range of human resource management policies and practices, to include veterans employment and agency program evaluation.

Merit Systems Audit and Compliance.—Ensures that Federal agency human resources programs are effective and meet merit system principles and related civil service requirements. Merit Systems Audit and Compliance also manages the Combined Federal Campaign and performs voting rights observations for the Justice Department.

Retirement and Benefits.—Provides Federal employees, retirees and their families with benefits programs and services that offer choice, value, and quality to help maintain the Government's position as a competitive employer. Retirement and Benefits operates the Civil Service Retirement System, the Federal Employees Retirement System, the Federal Employees Health Benefit Program, the Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Program, the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program, the Federal Long Term Care Program and the Flexible Spending Account Program. The 2011 Budget includes funding to maintain timely processing of retirement claims and provide services to Federal annuitants.

Federal Investigative Services.—Provides investigative products and services for over one hundred Federal agencies to use as the basis for security clearance or suitability decisions as required by Executive Orders and other rules and regulations. Over ninety percent of the Government's background investigations are provided by OPM. This function is completely financed by payment for these services from other Federal agencies through OPM's revolving fund.

Human Resources Solutions.—Assists Federal agencies in achieving their missions by providing solutions that develop leaders, attract and build a high quality public sector workforce, and transform agencies into high performing organizations. This function is completely financed by payment for these services from other Federal agencies through OPM's revolving fund.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 24-0100-0-1-805 2009 actual 2010 est. 2011 est.

Direct obligations:
Personnel compensation:
11.1 Full-time permanent 64 48 48
11.3 Other than full-time permanent 1 1 1
11.5 Other personnel compensation 3 2 1

11.9 Total personnel compensation 68 51 50
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 23 12 13
21.0 Travel and transportation of persons 1 3 3
23.3 Communications, utilities, and miscellaneous charges 8 8 7
24.0 Printing and reproduction 8 4 4
25.2 Other services 49 20 15
26.0 Supplies and materials 8 2 2
31.0 Equipment 6 3 2

99.0 Direct obligations 171 103 96
99.0 Reimbursable obligations 160 113 122

99.9 Total new obligations 331 216 218

Employment Summary

Identification code 24-0100-0-1-805 2009 actual 2010 est. 2011 est.

1001 Civilian full-time equivalent employment 735 791 791
2001 Civilian full-time equivalent employment 892 909 909

office of inspector general

salaries and expenses

(including transfer of trust funds)

For necessary expenses of the Office of Inspector General in carrying out the provisions of the Inspector General Act of 1978, including services as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 3109, hire of passenger motor vehicles, [$3,148,000] $2,136,000, and in addition, not to exceed [$21,215,000] $20,428,000 for administrative expenses to audit, investigate, and provide other oversight of the Office of Personnel Management's retirement and insurance programs, to be transferred from the appropriate trust funds of the Office of Personnel Management, as determined by the Inspector General: Provided, That the Inspector General is authorized to rent conference rooms in the District of Columbia and elsewhere. (Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, 2010.)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 24-0400-0-1-805 2009 actual 2010 est. 2011 est.

Obligations by program activity:
00.01 Direct program activity: Program oversight (audits, investigations, etc.) 2 3 2
09.00 Reimbursable program 18 22 21

10.00 Total new obligations 20 25 23

Budgetary resources available for obligation:
21.40 Unobligated balance carried forward, start of year 1
22.00 New budget authority (gross) 21 24 23

23.90 Total budgetary resources available for obligation 21 25 23
23.95 Total new obligations -20 -25 -23

24.40 Unobligated balance carried forward, end of year 1

New budget authority (gross), detail:
40.00 Appropriation 2 3 2
Spending authority from offsetting collections:
58.00 Offsetting collections (cash) 15 21 21
58.10 Change in uncollected customer payments from Federal sources (unexpired) 4

58.90 Spending authority from offsetting collections (total discretionary) 19 21 21

70.00 Total new budget authority (gross) 21 24 23

Change in obligated balances:
72.40 Obligated balance, start of year -1 -1
73.10 Total new obligations 20 25 23
73.20 Total outlays (gross) -18 -24 -23
74.00 Change in uncollected customer payments from Federal sources (unexpired) -4
74.10 Change in uncollected customer payments from Federal sources (expired) 2

74.40 Obligated balance, end of year -1

Outlays (gross), detail:
86.90 Outlays from new discretionary authority 16 24 23
86.93 Outlays from discretionary balances 2

87.00 Total outlays (gross) 18 24 23

Against gross budget authority and outlays:
88.00 Offsetting collections (cash) from: Federal sources -16 -21 -21
Against gross budget authority only:
88.95 Change in uncollected customer payments from Federal sources (unexpired) -4
88.96 Portion of offsetting collections (cash) credited to expired accounts 1

Net budget authority and outlays:
89.00 Budget authority 2 3 2
90.00 Outlays 2 3 2

This appropriation provides agency-wide audit, investigation, evaluation, inspection, and administrative sanction and debarment functions to identify program management, contractual, and administrative deficiencies that may create conditions for fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement. During 2009, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) activities resulted in positive financial impacts of over $173 million and led to 104 arrests, 119 indictments, 76 criminal convictions, and 836 suspensions or debarments within the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP).

The audits function provides internal agency audit, health and life insurance audit, contract audit, and information systems audit services. Internal agency audits review all facets of agency operations, and include the oversight of the agency financial statement audit. Insurance audits review the operations of health and life insurance carriers, health care providers, pharmacy benefit managers, and insurance subscribers. Contract audits provide professional advice to agency contracting officials on accounting and financial matters regarding the negotiation, award, administration, repricing, and settlement of contracts. Information systems audits review both general controls and application controls for agencies' systems and programs as well as for the information systems of carriers within FEHBP.

The investigative and evaluative function detects and investigates improper and illegal activities involving agency programs, personnel, and operations. A large component of the investigative program involves activities within the health benefits, retirement and life insurance trust fund programs. Health care providers whose conduct may pose a threat to the financial integrity of benefit programs or to the well-being of insurance program enrollees are debarred by administrative sanctions from participation in the health insurance program.

In 2011, OIG will continue to develop its prescription drug audit program, which includes audits of pharmacy benefit managers. OPM estimates that approximately 26 percent of FEHBP expenses, or approximately $11 billion in 2011, will be for prescription drugs. Through these audits, OIG helps the FEHBP recover inappropriate charges, negotiate more favorable contracts, control future cost growth, and improve benefits provided to program enrollees. OIG will also continue its FEHBP data warehouse initiative in 2011. This project streamlines and enhances the various administrative and analytical procedures involved in the oversight of FEHBP. The purpose of the project is to capture data from experience-rated insurance carriers in a data warehouse of health care information. The system's software tools support a variety of analytical procedures, including data mining, using the data in the warehouse. The project has facilitated more efficient and effective oversight of FEHBP by enhancing the ability of auditors and investigators to identify improper payments.

Another challenge facing the OIG is the oversight of the vast OPM revolving fund financed programs, most notably the Federal Investigative Services Division, responsible for the Federal background investigations which have significant national security implications. The revolving fund programs are projected to spend over $1.7 billion in 2011.

The Inspector General has submitted comments setting forth the Inspector General's conclusion that this Budget's request for the Office of Inspector General "would substantially inhibit the Inspector General from performing the duties of the office" under Section 6(f)(3)(E) of the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended. These comments are included in the congressional justification.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 24-0400-0-1-805 2009 actual 2010 est. 2011 est.

Direct obligations:
11.1 Personnel compensation: Full-time permanent 1 2 1
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 1 1

99.0 Direct obligations 1 3 2
99.0 Reimbursable obligations 19 22 21

99.9 Total new obligations 20 25 23

Employment Summary

Identification code 24-0400-0-1-805 2009 actual 2010 est. 2011 est.

1001 Civilian full-time equivalent employment 22 17 15
2001 Civilian full-time equivalent employment 93 139 130

government payment for annuitants, employees health benefits

For payment of Government contributions with respect to retired employees, as authorized by chapter 89 of title 5, United States Code, and the Retired Federal Employees Health Benefits Act (74 Stat. 849), such sums as may be necessary. (Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, 2010.)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 24-0206-0-1-551 2009 actual 2010 est. 2011 est.

Obligations by program activity:
00.01 Government contribution for annuitants benefits (1959 Act) 9,113 9,525 10,117
00.02 Government contribution for annuitants benefits (1960 Act) 1 1 1

10.00 Total new obligations (object class 13.0) 9,114 9,526 10,118

Budgetary resources available for obligation:
22.00 New budget authority (gross) 9,114 9,526 10,118
23.95 Total new obligations -9,114 -9,526 -10,118

New budget authority (gross), detail:
60.00 Appropriation 9,114 9,526 10,118

Change in obligated balances:
72.40 Obligated balance, start of year 894 946 971
73.10 Total new obligations 9,114 9,526 10,118
73.20 Total outlays (gross) -9,062 -9,501 -10,052

74.40 Obligated balance, end of year 946 971 1,037

Outlays (gross), detail:
86.97 Outlays from new mandatory authority 8,168 8,623 9,148
86.98 Outlays from mandatory balances 894 878 904

87.00 Total outlays (gross) 9,062 9,501 10,052

Net budget authority and outlays:
89.00 Budget authority 9,114 9,526 10,118
90.00 Outlays 9,062 9,501 10,052

This appropriation covers: 1) the Government's share of the cost of health insurance for annuitants as defined in sections 8901 and 8906 of title 5, United States Code; 2) the Government's share of the cost of health insurance for annuitants (who were retired when the Federal employees health benefits law became effective), as defined in the Retired Federal Employees Health Benefits Act of 1960; and 3) the Government's contribution for payment of administrative expenses incurred by OPM in administration of the Act.

The budget authority for this account recognizes the amounts being remitted by the U.S. Postal Service to finance a portion of its post-1971 annuitants' health benefit costs.

2009 actual 2010 est. 2011 est.

FEHB 1,877,831 1,846,000 1,872,000
(USPS non-add) 464,606 470,000 474,000

REHB 759 622 510

Total, annuitants 1,878,590 1,846,622 1,872,510

government payment for annuitants, employee life insurance

For payment of Government contributions with respect to employees retiring after December 31, 1989, as required by chapter 87 of title 5, United States Code, such sums as may be necessary. (Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, 2010.)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 24-0500-0-1-602 2009 actual 2010 est. 2011 est.

Obligations by program activity:
00.01 Direct program activity 44 47 48

10.00 Total new obligations (object class 25.2) 44 47 48

Budgetary resources available for obligation:
22.00 New budget authority (gross) 44 47 48
23.95 Total new obligations -44 -47 -48

New budget authority (gross), detail:
60.00 Appropriation 44 47 48

Change in obligated balances:
72.40 Obligated balance, start of year 5 5 5
73.10 Total new obligations 44 47 48
73.20 Total outlays (gross) -44 -47 -48

74.40 Obligated balance, end of year 5 5 5

Outlays (gross), detail:
86.97 Outlays from new mandatory authority 39 47 48
86.98 Outlays from mandatory balances 5

87.00 Total outlays (gross) 44 47 48

Net budget authority and outlays:
89.00 Budget authority 44 47 48
90.00 Outlays 44 47 48

This appropriation finances the Government's share of premiums, which is one-third the cost, for Basic life insurance for annuitants retiring after December 31, 1989, and who are less than 65 years old.

payment to civil service retirement and disability fund

For financing the unfunded liability of new and increased annuity benefits becoming effective on or after October 20, 1969, as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 8348, and annuities under special Acts to be credited to the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund, such sums as may be necessary: Provided, That annuities authorized by the Act of May 29, 1944, and the Act of August 19, 1950 (33 U.S.C. 771-775), may hereafter be paid out of the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund. (Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, 2010.)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 24-0200-0-1-805 2009 actual 2010 est. 2011 est.

Obligations by program activity:
00.02 Payment of Government share of retirement costs 10,798 10,768 10,468
00.03 Transfers for interest on unfunded liability and payment of military service annuities 20,541 21,200 22,600
00.05 Spouse equity payment 83 82 82

10.00 Total new obligations 31,422 32,050 33,150

Budgetary resources available for obligation:
22.00 New budget authority (gross) 31,422 32,050 33,150
23.95 Total new obligations -31,422 -32,050 -33,150

New budget authority (gross), detail:
60.00 Appropriation 31,422 21,200 22,600
60.00 Appropriation 10,850 10,550

62.50 Appropriation (total mandatory) 31,422 32,050 33,150

Change in obligated balances:
73.10 Total new obligations 31,422 32,050 33,150
73.20 Total outlays (gross) -31,422 -32,050 -33,150

Outlays (gross), detail:
86.97 Outlays from new mandatory authority 31,422 32,050 33,150

Net budget authority and outlays:
89.00 Budget authority 31,422 32,050 33,150
90.00 Outlays 31,422 32,050 33,150

Payment of Government share of retirement costs.—This payment amortizes increases in the static unfunded liability created since October 20, 1969, by any statute which authorizes new or liberalized benefits, provides extension of retirement coverage, or authorizes pay increases.

Transfers for interest on static unfunded liability and payment of military service annuities.—This transfer covers interest on the static unfunded liability and annuity disbursements attributable to military service.

Payments for spouse equity.—This payment provides survivor annuities to eligible former spouses of annuitants who died between September 1978 and May 1986 and who did not elect survivor coverage.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 24-0200-0-1-805 2009 actual 2010 est. 2011 est.

Direct obligations:
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 10,881 10,850 10,550
13.0 Benefits for former personnel 20,541 21,200 22,600

99.9 Total new obligations 31,422 32,050 33,150

Flexible Benefits Plan Reserve

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 24-0800-0-1-805 2009 actual 2010 est. 2011 est.

Obligations by program activity:
09.01 FSA FEDS Risk Reserve 23 28 30

10.00 Total new obligations (object class 25.6) 23 28 30

Budgetary resources available for obligation:
21.40 Unobligated balance carried forward, start of year 33 49 65
22.00 New budget authority (gross) 39 44 34

23.90 Total budgetary resources available for obligation 72 93 99
23.95 Total new obligations -23 -28 -30

24.40 Unobligated balance carried forward, end of year 49 65 69

New budget authority (gross), detail:
69.00 Offsetting collections (cash) 39 44 34

Change in obligated balances:
73.10 Total new obligations 23 28 30
73.20 Total outlays (gross) -23 -28 -30

Outlays (gross), detail:
86.97 Outlays from new mandatory authority 23 28 30

Against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (cash) from:
88.00 Federal sources -14 -16 -4
88.40 Non-Federal sources -25 -28 -30

88.90 Total, offsetting collections (cash) -39 -44 -34

Net budget authority and outlays:
89.00 Budget authority
90.00 Outlays -16 -16 -4

This account contains reserve resources required under the Office of Personnel Management's contract with the administrator of the Flexible Benefits program. This account is funded by payments from Federal agencies based on the participation of their employees in the program and from net forfeitures, as authorized by the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 (P.L. 108-136). Account assets are available to indemnify the administrator when benefit payments exceed contributions, and for program enhancements.

Postal Service Retiree Health Benefits Fund

Special and Trust Fund Receipts (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 24-5391-0-2-551 2009 actual 2010 est. 2011 est.

01.00 Balance, start of year 32,293 35,115 42,155

01.99 Balance, start of year 32,293 35,115 42,155
02.40 Earnings on Investments, Postal Service Retiree Health Benefits Fund 1,422 1,540 1,732
02.41 Postal Service Contributions for Benefits Paid to Retirees, Postal Service Retiree Health Benefits Fund 1,400 5,500 5,500

02.99 Total receipts and collections 2,822 7,040 7,232

04.00 Total: Balances and collections 35,115 42,155 49,387
05.00 Postal Service Retiree Health Benefits Fund -2,822 -7,040 -7,232
05.01 Postal Service Retiree Health Benefits Fund 2,822 7,040 7,232

05.99 Total appropriations

07.99 Balance, end of year 35,115 42,155 49,387

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 24-5391-0-2-551 2009 actual 2010 est. 2011 est.

New budget authority (gross), detail:
60.20 Appropriation (special fund) 2,822 7,040 7,232
60.45 Portion precluded from obligation -2,822 -7,040 -7,232

62.50 Appropriation (total mandatory)

Net budget authority and outlays:
89.00 Budget authority
90.00 Outlays

Memorandum (non-add) entries:
92.01 Total investments, start of year: Federal securities: Par value 32,294 35,115 42,155
92.02 Total investments, end of year: Federal securities: Par value 35,115 42,155 49,387

The Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act (P.L.109-435) created the Postal Service Retiree Health Benefits Fund to help fully fund the Postal Service's retiree (annuitant) health benefits liabilities.

This account receives from the Postal Service: 1) the pension savings provided to the Postal Service by the Postal Civil Service Retirement System Funding Reform Act of 2003 (P.L.108-18) that were held in escrow during 2006; 2) payments defined within P.L.109-435, and modified by P.L. 111-68, to begin the liquidation of the Postal Service's unfunded liability for post-retirement health benefits; and 3) beginning in 2017, payments for the actuarial cost of Postal Service contributions for the post-retirement health benefits for its current employees. This account also receives any surplus resources of the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund that are not needed to finance future retirement benefits under the Civil Service Retirement System to current or former employees of the Postal Service that are attributable to civilian employment with the Postal Service.

As a result of this health benefits financing system, beginning in 2017, the Postal Service will cease to pay annual premium costs for its post-1971 current annuitants directly to the Employees and Retired Employees Health Benefits Fund. Instead, these premium payments will be paid from amounts that the Postal Service remits to this fund. Payments for a proportion of the premium costs of Postal Service annuitants' pre-1971 service would continue to be paid by the General Fund of the Treasury through the Government Payment for Annuitants, Employees Health Benefits account.

Revolving Fund

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 24-4571-0-4-805 2009 actual 2010 est. 2011 est.

Obligations by program activity:
09.01 Talent services 529 620 637
09.02 Investigation services 1,037 935 980
09.03 Leadership capacity services 109 55 56
09.04 Enterprise human resources integration 58 78 65

10.00 Total new obligations 1,733 1,688 1,738

Budgetary resources available for obligation:
21.40 Unobligated balance carried forward, start of year 825 856 762
22.00 New budget authority (gross) 1,644 1,594 1,602
22.10 Resources available from recoveries of prior year obligations 120

23.90 Total budgetary resources available for obligation 2,589 2,450 2,364
23.95 Total new obligations -1,733 -1,688 -1,738

24.40 Unobligated balance carried forward, end of year 856 762 626

New budget authority (gross), detail:
Spending authority from offsetting collections:
58.00 Offsetting collections (cash) 1,536 1,594 1,602
58.10 Change in uncollected customer payments from Federal sources (unexpired) 108

58.90 Spending authority from offsetting collections (total discretionary) 1,644 1,594 1,602

Change in obligated balances:
72.40 Obligated balance, start of year -129 -94
73.10 Total new obligations 1,733 1,688 1,738
73.20 Total outlays (gross) -1,470 -1,594 -1,602
73.45 Recoveries of prior year obligations -120
74.00 Change in uncollected customer payments from Federal sources (unexpired) -108

74.40 Obligated balance, end of year -94 136

Outlays (gross), detail:
86.90 Outlays from new discretionary authority 1,063 1,594 1,602
86.93 Outlays from discretionary balances 407

87.00 Total outlays (gross) 1,470 1,594 1,602

Against gross budget authority and outlays:
88.00 Offsetting collections (cash) from: Federal sources -1,536 -1,594 -1,602
Against gross budget authority only:
88.95 Change in uncollected customer payments from Federal sources (unexpired) -108

Net budget authority and outlays:
89.00 Budget authority
90.00 Outlays -66

Budget Program.—OPM's Revolving Fund provides financing for investigations, training, and other functions that OPM is authorized or required to perform on a reimbursable basis. OPM programs offer the following:
OPM's Human Resources Solutions organization delivers integrated, expert solutions to support Federal agencies' human resources needs. These cost-effective products and services span the employment life cycle from recruitment and selection through training and development. Examples of products and services include tailored recruitment and branding, nationwide testing services (including screening for the U.S. Armed Forces), employee competency assessments, workforce and succession planning, surveys of organizational culture and climate, strategies for change, and USAStaffing, an automated recruitment and assessment tool.
OPM's Employee Services organization operates USAJOBS. The USAJOBS system serves as the one-stop solution for bringing government recruiters and job seekers together, giving recruiters the ability to create and advertise government jobs, search through job seeker resumes, and manage the hiring process through a Web interface. It provides job seekers the ability to create and advertise their resumes, search for government jobs, and apply for a job directly through the Web interface. Regulations contained in 5 CFR Parts 330, 333, and 335 that implement section 4 of Public Law 104-52 authorize OPM to charge fees to agencies to pay the cost of providing Federal employment information and services through USAJOBS.
OPM's Federal Investigative Services organization provides background investigative services to agencies on a fee basis. Federal Investigative Services conducts more than 90 percent of the Federal Government's background investigations concerning Federal employees, contractors, and military members for various Federal agencies. Investigations are a critical step in the Federal hiring process, and can affect hiring or removal decisions based on the individual's fitness and suitability for employment. Based on information gathered in background investigations, Federal agencies also issue security clearances and place individuals in sensitive positions involving national security or the public trust.
Within these programs, the revolving fund fully or partially supports three E-Government projects: E-Clearance, the Human Resources Line of Business, and Enterprise Human Resources Integration. On a fee-for-service basis, the Enterprise Human Resources Integration project provides Federal agencies with an electronic official personnel folder (eOPF) system, as well as workforce analysis and other analytical tools. These tools streamline and automate the electronic exchange of standardized HR data and provide comprehensive workforce analysis, forecasting, and reporting capabilities across the Executive Branch for the strategic management of human resources.

Financing.—This account gains spending authority from agreements with other Federal agencies who are seeking services as described above.

Operating Results.—In fiscal year 2009, OPM's revolving fund businesses had a net gain on operations of $26 million. These resources will be utilized to continue the automation of the background investigation process, enhance the functionality of the USAJOBS system, and various other program improvements.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 24-4571-0-4-805 2009 actual 2010 est. 2011 est.

Reimbursable obligations:
Personnel compensation:
11.1 Full-time permanent 193 197 211
11.5 Other personnel compensation 40 41 43

11.9 Total personnel compensation 233 238 254
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 57 61 63
21.0 Travel and transportation of persons 24 23 22
22.0 Transportation of things 1 1 1
23.1 Rental payments to GSA 14 14 16
23.3 Communications, utilities, and miscellaneous charges 17 17 20
24.0 Printing and reproduction 2 2 2
25.2 Other services 1,352 1,302 1,335
26.0 Supplies and materials 7 6 7
31.0 Equipment 26 24 18

99.9 Total new obligations 1,733 1,688 1,738

Employment Summary

Identification code 24-4571-0-4-805 2009 actual 2010 est. 2011 est.

2001 Civilian full-time equivalent employment 2,932 2,996 3,122

Trust Funds

Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund

Special and Trust Fund Receipts (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 24-8135-0-7-602 2009 actual 2010 est. 2011 est.

01.00 Balance, start of year 723,194 748,195 777,178

01.99 Balance, start of year 723,194 748,195 777,178
02.00 Employee Contributions, Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund 3,459 3,776 3,602
02.01 District of Columbia Contributions, Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund 38 27 26
02.02 Employee Deposits, Redeposits and Other Contributions, Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund 586 575 584
02.40 Agency Contributions, Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund 17,368 16,848 17,555
02.41 Postal Service Agency Contributions, Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund 2,955 3,937 4,208
02.42 FFB, TVA, and USPS Interest, Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund 651 552 474
02.43 Treasury Interest, Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund 36,538 41,512 41,824
02.44 General Fund Payment to the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund 31,422 32,050 33,150
02.45 Re-employed Annuitants Salary Offset, Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund 44 46 46

02.99 Total receipts and collections 93,061 99,323 101,469

04.00 Total: Balances and collections 816,255 847,518 878,647
05.00 Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund -100 -102 -110
05.01 Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund -92,961 -99,324 -101,470
05.02 Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund 25,001 29,086 29,023

05.99 Total appropriations -68,060 -70,340 -72,557

07.99 Balance, end of year 748,195 777,178 806,090

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 24-8135-0-7-602 2009 actual 2010 est. 2011 est.

Obligations by program activity:
00.01 Annuities 67,618 69,956 72,169
00.02 Refunds and death claims 293 282 278
00.03 Administration - operations 142 95 103
00.04 Transfer to MSPB 3 3 3
00.05 Administration - OIG 4 4 4

10.00 Total new obligations 68,060 70,340 72,557

Budgetary resources available for obligation:
22.00 New budget authority (gross) 68,060 70,340 72,557
23.95 Total new obligations -68,060 -70,340 -72,557

New budget authority (gross), detail:
40.26 Appropriation (trust fund) 100 102 110
60.26 Appropriation (trust fund) 92,961 99,324 101,470
60.45 Portion precluded from balances -25,001 -29,086 -29,023

62.50 Appropriation (total mandatory) 67,960 70,238 72,447

70.00 Total new budget authority (gross) 68,060 70,340 72,557

Change in obligated balances:
72.40 Obligated balance, start of year 5,675 6,067 6,235
73.10 Total new obligations 68,060 70,340 72,557
73.20 Total outlays (gross) -67,668 -70,172 -72,372

74.40 Obligated balance, end of year 6,067 6,235 6,420

Outlays (gross), detail:
86.90 Outlays from new discretionary authority 60 102 110
86.93 Outlays from discretionary balances 40
86.97 Outlays from new mandatory authority 61,933 63,979 66,009
86.98 Outlays from mandatory balances 5,635 6,091 6,253

87.00 Total outlays (gross) 67,668 70,172 72,372

Net budget authority and outlays:
89.00 Budget authority 68,060 70,340 72,557
90.00 Outlays 67,668 70,172 72,372

Memorandum (non-add) entries:
92.01 Total investments, start of year: Federal securities: Par value 728,850 754,244 785,985
92.02 Total investments, end of year: Federal securities: Par value 754,244 785,985 815,062

The Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund covers two Federal civilian retirement systems: the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) and the Federal Employees' Retirement System (FERS). CSRS is basically a defined benefit plan, covering Federal employees hired prior to 1984. CSRS participants do not participate in the Social Security system. FERS is a three-tiered pension program that uses Social Security as a base, provides an additional basic benefit, and includes a thrift savings plan. FERS covers employees hired after 1983 and formerly CSRS-covered employees who elected to join FERS.

The Budget proposes that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) continue to fund the full cost for retirement benefits for PTO's employees covered under the Civil Service Retirement System.

2009 actual 2010 est. 2011 est.

Active employees 2,672,000 2,672,000 2,672,000
Employees 1,886,394 1,919,000 1,953,000

Survivors 623,233 614,000 604,000

Total, annuitants 2,509,627 2,533,000 2,557,000

Status of Funds (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 24-8135-0-7-602 2009 actual 2010 est. 2011 est.

Unexpended balance, start of year:
0100 Balance, start of year 728,870 754,263 783,414

0199 Total balance, start of year 728,870 754,263 783,414
Cash income during the year:
Current law:
1200 Employee Contributions, Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund 3,459 3,776 3,602
1201 District of Columbia Contributions, Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund 38 27 26
1202 Employee Deposits, Redeposits and Other Contributions, Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund 586 575 584
Offsetting receipts (intragovernmental):
1240 Agency Contributions, Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund 17,368 16,848 17,555
1241 Postal Service Agency Contributions, Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund 2,955 3,937 4,208
1242 FFB, TVA, and USPS Interest, Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund 651 552 474
1243 Treasury Interest, Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund 36,538 41,512 41,824
1244 General Fund Payment to the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund 31,422 32,050 33,150
1245 Re-employed Annuitants Salary Offset, Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund 44 46 46
1299 Income under present law 93,061 99,323 101,469

3299 Total cash income 93,061 99,323 101,469
Cash outgo during year:
Current law:
4500 Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund -67,668 -70,172 -72,372
4599 Outgo under current law (-) -67,668 -70,172 -72,372

6599 Total cash outgo (-) -67,668 -70,172 -72,372
Unexpended balance, end of year:
8700 Uninvested balance (net), end of year 19 -2,571 -2,551
8701 Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund 754,244 785,985 815,062

8799 Total balance, end of year 754,263 783,414 812,511

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 24-8135-0-7-602 2009 actual 2010 est. 2011 est.

Direct obligations:
25.2 Other services 149 102 110
42.0 Insurance claims and indemnities 67,618 69,956 72,169
44.0 Refunds and death claims 293 282 278

99.9 Total new obligations 68,060 70,340 72,557

Employees Life Insurance Fund

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 24-8424-0-8-602 2009 actual 2010 est. 2011 est.

Obligations by program activity:
09.01 Basic life insurance payments 1,403 1,480 1,554
09.02 Optional life insurance payments 1,076 1,114 1,161
09.03 Shenandoah life insurance payments 5 5 5
09.04 Administration—OPM & OIG 2 2 2
09.05 Administration—long term care 1 2 2

10.00 Total new obligations (object class 25.2) 2,487 2,603 2,724

Budgetary resources available for obligation:
21.40 Unobligated balance carried forward, start of year 33,491 35,294 36,973
22.00 New budget authority (gross) 4,290 4,282 4,591

23.90 Total budgetary resources available for obligation 37,781 39,576 41,564
23.95 Total new obligations -2,487 -2,603 -2,724

24.40 Unobligated balance carried forward, end of year 35,294 36,973 38,840

New budget authority (gross), detail:
58.00 Spending authority from offsetting collections: Offsetting collections (cash) 2 2 2
69.00 Offsetting collections (cash) 4,292 4,261 4,566
69.10 Change in uncollected customer payments from Federal sources (unexpired) -4 19 23

69.90 Spending authority from offsetting collections (total mandatory) 4,288 4,280 4,589

70.00 Total new budget authority (gross) 4,290 4,282 4,591

Change in obligated balances:
72.40 Obligated balance, start of year 376 358 365
73.10 Total new obligations 2,487 2,603 2,724
73.20 Total outlays (gross) -2,509 -2,577 -2,685
74.00 Change in uncollected customer payments from Federal sources (unexpired) 4 -19 -23

74.40 Obligated balance, end of year 358 365 381

Outlays (gross), detail:
86.90 Outlays from new discretionary authority 1 2 2
86.97 Outlays from new mandatory authority 1,728 1,815 1,902
86.98 Outlays from mandatory balances 780 760 781

87.00 Total outlays (gross) 2,509 2,577 2,685

Against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (cash) from:
88.00 Agency contributions -487 -486 -498
88.00 Government contributions for annuitants -44 -47 -48
88.20 Interest on Federal securities -1,259 -1,180 -1,395
88.40 Basic life insurance withholdings -930 -947 -980
88.40 Optional life insurance withholdings & LTC reimbursement -1,574 -1,603 -1,647

88.90 Total, offsetting collections (cash) -4,294 -4,263 -4,568
Against gross budget authority only:
88.95 Change in uncollected customer payments from Federal sources (unexpired) 4 -19 -23

Net budget authority and outlays:
89.00 Budget authority
90.00 Outlays -1,785 -1,686 -1,883

Memorandum (non-add) entries:
92.01 Total investments, start of year: Federal securities: Par value 34,397 36,146 37,830
92.02 Total investments, end of year: Federal securities: Par value 36,146 37,830 39,711

This fund finances payments to private insurance companies for Federal employees' group life insurance and expenses of the Office of Personnel Management in administering the program.

The Administration proposes that PTO will fund the accruing costs associated with post-retirement life insurance benefits for PTO's employees.

Budget program.—The status of the basic (regular and optional) life insurance program on September 30 is as follows:

2009 actual 2010 est. 2011 est.

Life insurance in force (in billions of dollars):
On active employees 710.0 733.4 757.7
On retired employees 79.0 82.4 85.8

Total 789.0 815.8 843.5

Number of participants (in thousands):
Active employees 2,434 2,415 2,397

Annuitants 1,627 1,631 1,635

Total 4,061 4,046 4,032

Financing.—Non-Postal Service employees and all retirees under 65 pay two-thirds of the premium costs for Basic coverage; agencies pay the remaining third. Optional and certain post-retirement Basic coverages are paid entirely by enrollees. The status of the reserves at the end of the year is as follows:

Status of Reserves 2009 actual 2010 est. 2011 est.

Held in reserve (in millions of dollars):
Contingency reserve 100 200 200
Beneficial association program reserve 1 1 1

U.S. Treasury reserve 36,145 37,832 39,714

Total reserves 36,246 38,033 39,915

Employees and Retired Employees Health Benefits Funds

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 24-9981-0-8-551 2009 actual 2010 est. 2011 est.

Obligations by program activity:
09.01 Benefit payments 36,781 39,935 42,582
09.02 Payments from OPM contingency reserve 264 350 350
09.03 Government payment for annuitants (1960 Act) 1 1 1
09.04 Administration - operations 15 16 17
09.05 Administration - OIG 14 17 16
09.06 Administration - dental and vision program 5 3 3

10.00 Total new obligations (object class 25.6) 37,080 40,322 42,969

Budgetary resources available for obligation:
21.40 Unobligated balance carried forward, start of year 12,826 13,078 12,531
22.00 New budget authority (gross) 37,332 39,775 43,004

23.90 Total budgetary resources available for obligation 50,158 52,853 55,535
23.95 Total new obligations -37,080 -40,322 -42,969

24.40 Unobligated balance carried forward, end of year 13,078 12,531 12,566

New budget authority (gross), detail:
58.00 Spending authority from offsetting collections: Offsetting collections (cash) 27 33 33
69.00 Offsetting collections (cash) 37,171 39,623 42,817
69.10 Change in uncollected customer payments from Federal sources (unexpired) 134 119 154

69.90 Spending authority from offsetting collections (total mandatory) 37,305 39,742 42,971

70.00 Total new budget authority (gross) 37,332 39,775 43,004

Change in obligated balances:
72.40 Obligated balance, start of year 2,643 2,216 2,186
73.10 Total new obligations 37,080 40,322 42,969
73.20 Total outlays (gross) -37,373 -40,233 -42,909
74.00 Change in uncollected customer payments from Federal sources (unexpired) -134 -119 -154

74.40 Obligated balance, end of year 2,216 2,186 2,092

Outlays (gross), detail:
86.90 Outlays from new discretionary authority 22 33 33
86.93 Outlays from discretionary balances 5
86.97 Outlays from new mandatory authority 33,045 36,189 38,782
86.98 Outlays from mandatory balances 4,301 4,011 4,094

87.00 Total outlays (gross) 37,373 40,233 42,909

Against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (cash) from:
88.00 Agency contributions -10,450 -11,174 -11,973
88.00 Postal Service for Active Employees -4,743 -4,837 -5,324
88.00 Postal Service for Annuitants -2,000 -2,233 -2,540
88.00 Government contributions for annuitants -9,062 -9,501 -10,051
88.20 Interest on Federal securities -412 -434 -460
88.40 D.C. Government contributions & Dental/Vision reimbursement -56 -52 -52
88.40 Employee salary withholdings -5,561 -6,081 -6,632
88.40 Annuity withholdings -4,906 -5,344 -5,818
88.40 LTC Revenue -8

88.90 Total, offsetting collections (cash) -37,198 -39,656 -42,850
Against gross budget authority only:
88.95 Change in uncollected customer payments from Federal sources (unexpired) -134 -119 -154

Net budget authority and outlays:
89.00 Budget authority
90.00 Outlays 175 577 59

Memorandum (non-add) entries:
92.01 Total investments, start of year: Federal securities: Par value 15,565 15,369 14,734
92.02 Total investments, end of year: Federal securities: Par value 15,369 14,734 15,424

This display combines FEHB fund and the Retired Employees Health Benefits (REHB) fund.

The FEHB fund provides for the cost of health benefits for: 1) active employees; 2) employees who retired after June 1960, or their survivors; 3) those annuitants transferred from the REHB program as authorized by Public Law 93-246; and 4) the related expenses of OPM in administering the program.

The REHB fund, created by the Retired Federal Employees Health Benefits Act of 1960, provides for: 1) the cost of health benefits for retired employees and survivors who enroll in a Government-sponsored uniform health benefits plan; 2) the contribution to retired employees and survivors who retain or purchase private health insurance; and 3) expenses of OPM in administering the program.

Budget program.—The balance of the FEHB fund is available for payments without fiscal year limitation. Numbers of participants at the end of each fiscal year are as follows:

2009 actual 2010 est. 2011 est.

Active employees 2,173,764 2,141,000 2,136,000

Annuitants 1,877,831 1,846,000 1,872,000

Total 4,051,595 3,987,000 4,008,000

In determining a biweekly subscription rate to cover program costs, one percent is added for administrative expenses and three percent is added for a contingency reserve held by OPM for each carrier. OPM is authorized to transfer unused administrative reserve funds to the contingency reserve.

The REHB fund is available without fiscal year limitation. The amounts contributed by the Government are paid into the fund from annual appropriations. The number of participants at the end of each fiscal year are as follows:

2009 actual 2010 est. 2011 est.

Uniform plan 218 179 147

Private plans 541 444 364

Total 759 622 510

Financing.—The funds are financed by: 1) withholdings from active employees and annuitants; 2) agency contributions for active employees; 3) Government contributions for annuitants appropriated to OPM; and 4) contributions made by the United States Postal Service in accordance with the provisions of Public Law 101-508.
Funds made available to carriers but not used to pay claims in the current period are carried forward as special reserves for use in subsequent periods. OPM maintains a contingency reserve, funded by employee and Government contributions, that may be used to defray future cost increases or provide increased benefits. OPM makes payments to carriers from this reserve whenever carrier-held reserves fall below levels prescribed by OPM regulations or when carriers can demonstrate good cause such as unexpected claims experience or variations from expected community rates.
The Budget proposes that the Patent and Trademark Office continue to fund the accruing costs associated with post-retirement health benefits for its employees.

Status of Funds (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 24-9981-0-8-551 2009 actual 2010 est. 2011 est.

Unexpended balance, start of year:
0100 Balance, start of year 15,471 15,296 14,719

0199 Total balance, start of year 15,471 15,296 14,719
Cash income during the year:
Current law:
Offsetting collections:
1280 Employees and Retired Employees Health Benefits Funds 10,450 11,174 11,973
1281 Employees and Retired Employees Health Benefits Funds 4,743 4,837 5,324
1282 Employees and Retired Employees Health Benefits Funds 2,000 2,233 2,540
1283 Employees and Retired Employees Health Benefits Funds 9,062 9,501 10,051
1284 Employees and Retired Employees Health Benefits Funds 412 434 460
1285 Employees and Retired Employees Health Benefits Funds 56 52 52
1286 Employees and Retired Employees Health Benefits Funds 5,561 6,081 6,632
1287 Employees and Retired Employees Health Benefits Funds 4,906 5,344 5,818
1288 Employees and Retired Employees Health Benefits Funds 8
1299 Income under present law 37,198 39,656 42,850

3299 Total cash income 37,198 39,656 42,850
Cash outgo during year:
Current law:
4500 Employees and Retired Employees Health Benefits Funds -37,373 -40,233 -42,909
4599 Outgo under current law (-) -37,373 -40,233 -42,909

6599 Total cash outgo (-) -37,373 -40,233 -42,909
Unexpended balance, end of year:
8700 Uninvested balance (net), end of year -73 -15 -764
8701 Employees and Retired Employees Health Benefits Funds 15,369 14,734 15,424

8799 Total balance, end of year 15,296 14,719 14,660


(in millions of dollars)

2009 actual 2010 est. 2011 est.

Offsetting receipts from the public:
24-322000 All Other General Fund Proprietary Receipts Including Budget Clearing Accounts 8 2 2

General Fund Offsetting receipts from the public 8 2 2

This account represents general miscellaneous receipts of the Office of Personnel Management and receipts that must be returned to the General Fund of the Treasury.