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Core Requirement Updates
Description of Requirement Spreadsheets

The spreadsheets being distributed for comment contain the following columns:

A-FUNC Tag – This is an identification number assigned by FSIO’s internal tracking system. You may disregard it.

B-Process – This is a sub-category of requirements in a Function. For example, the Cash Management Function has 4 Processes in which requirements have been categorized: Treasury Information Maintenance, Payment Confirmation, Reconciliation and Cash Forecasting.

C-New Requirement Number – These are the requirement numbers assigned to the 2005 draft requirements.

D-New Requirement Text – These are the draft 2005 requirements as written by the internal FSIO team. They reflect comments received from agencies and vendors on the 2001 core requirements.

G-Priority – Requirements are prioritized as either Mandatory (systems must meet them) or Value Added (systems should meet them).

H-Change(s) Made – One or more of the following changes may have been made to any given requirement:

  • Edited – A minor typo or other correction was made, or the verbiage was changed to conform to FSIO’s requirement writing guidelines.
  • Revised – The requirement wording was revised for clarification or added specificity.
  • Expanded – One requirement was expanded into multiple requirements.
  • Replaced – The requirement was replaced by or consolidated into another requirement.
  • Added – A new requirement was added.
  • Derived – A requirement that was originally contained within or implied by an existing requirement and for clarification was added as a separate item. The number of the old requirement, from which the new requirement was derived, is shown in the next column of the spreadsheet.
  • MovedFrom – The requirement was moved from another functional area. The number of the old requirement, which was moved to the new Function, is shown in the next column of the spreadsheet.
  • MovedTo – The requirement was moved to another functional area.
  • ProcessCng – The requirement was moved between processes within the same functional area.
  • Deleted -– The requirement was removed because it was obsolete or duplicate.
  • C2 mandatory – The requirement was changed from value-added to mandatory
  • C2 value added – The requirement was changed from to mandatory to value-added.

L-Input Needed – In some instances, the FSIO team asks for specific input on a draft requirement. The specific input needed is described in this column.

M-Reviewer Comments – This is the column reviewers should use to record their comments on specific requirements.

N-Old Requirement Number – This is the number assigned to the 2001 version of a requirement, if applicable. The numbering series is also an indication of the Function and Process in which the requirement was categorized. For example, all requirements that begin with CFA were in the Accounting Classification Management Process of the Core Function.

O-Old Requirement Text – The requirement as worded in the JFMIP 2001 Core Financial System Requirements Document.

Note that there is neither a column E nor F on these spreadsheets.

Core Financial System Requirements Draft Workbook (Excel)