Program Assessment
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Childhood Immunization Program
The mission of the 317 Childhood Immunization program is to prevent disease, disability and death in children and adults through vaccination. The program provides grant support to state and local health departments in purchasing vaccines and in conducting childhood immunization programs.
What This Rating Means |
This rating describes a program that needs to set more ambitious goals, achieve better results, improve accountability or strengthen its management practices.
- The 317 Immunization program is successful in improving immunization coverage rates among children. Sizable reductions in disease incidence have been seen for varicella (chickenpox) among young children in the past ten years. After the implementation of the universal childhood varicella vaccination program in 1995 the incidence of disease among children ages 1-4 years declined 92 percent.
- There have been no comprehensive evaluations analyzing current program operations, management, or the program structure. It is unknown how these characteristics affect achievement of program performance.
- The program generally has strong management practices, but has not had processes in place to measure or improve efficiency.
Improvement Plan
About Improvement Plans |
We are taking the following actions to improve the performance of the program:
- Conducting a comprehensive independent evaluation to assess program strengths and challenges and gather information needed to enhance program operations and program accountability.
- Creating a new national centralized public vaccine distribution system that improves upon the business practices involved in ordering, delivery, and distribution of vaccines.
- Demonstrating the link between the program's budget for state immunization program operations activities to childhood vaccine coverage.
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