Agency | Program Name | Funding FY08 |
Last PART Assessment |
Rating | Link to Program |
Department of Agriculture | Commodity Supplemental Food Program | 139 | 2004 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Community Facilities Program | 559 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations | 95 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Food Stamp Nutrition Education | 293 | 2007 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Food Stamp Program | 39778 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Food and Nutrition Service - Child and Adult Care Food Program | 2287 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Grants for Nutrition and Health | 148 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | In-House Research for Nutrition and Health | 85 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | National School Lunch | 8119 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Nutrition Assistance for Puerto Rico | 1623 | 2005 | Adequate | |
Department of Agriculture | Protection and Safety of Agricultural Food Supply (Grants) | 225 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Research on Protection and Safety of Agricultural Food Supply | 383 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Rural Water and Wastewater Grants and Loans | 1566 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | School Breakfast Program | 2367 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Senior and Woman, Infants, and Children Farmers' Market Programs | 35 | 2006 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Summer Food Service Program | 307 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) | 190 | 2005 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) | 6020 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | Defense Health Care | 24044 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Education | Assistive Technology Alternative Financing Program | 4 | 2004 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Department of Education | IDEA Special Education Grants for Infants and Families | 436 | 2002 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Department of Education | IDEA Special Education Preschool Grants | 374 | 2002 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Department of Education | National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research | 106 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Energy | Environmental Management | 6153 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Abstinence Education | 151 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Access to Recovery | 96 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Administration on Aging | 1415 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Adolescent Family Life Program | 30 | 2008 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Adoption Assistance | 2156 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Adoption Incentives | 4 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Adoption Opportunities | 26 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Afghanistan Health Initiative | 6 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry | 74 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Assets for Independence | 24 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities | 127 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Black Lung Clinics | 6 | 2006 | Ineffective | |
Dept of Health & Human Service | CDC: Buildings and Facilities | 55 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | CDC: Division of Global Migration and Quarantine | 38 | 2008 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | CDC: Environmental Health | 154 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | CDC: Global Immunizations | 140 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | CDC: Infectious Diseases | 218 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | CDC: Occupational Safety and Health | 287 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Grants | 27 | 2004 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Child Care and Development Fund | 4979 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Child Welfare Services | 282 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Childhood Immunization Program | 527 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Children's Hospitals Graduate Medical Education Payment Program | 302 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Childrens Mental Health Services | 102 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Chronic Disease Prevention | 834 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Commissioned Corps:Readiness and Response Program | 16 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Community Mental Health Services Block Grant | 428 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Community Services Block Grant | 654 | 2003 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention | 42 | 2004 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Compassion Capital Fund | 53 | 2006 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Developmental Disabilities Grant Programs | 163 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Emergency Medical Services for Children | 19 | 2004 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Family Planning | 300 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Family Violence Prevention and Services Program | 125 | 2004 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Food and Drug Administration | 2292 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Foster Care | 4581 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Free Clinics Medical Malpractice Coverage | 0 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | HIV/AIDS Research | 2913 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Hansen's Disease Services Programs | 18 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Head Start | 6878 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Health - Data Collection and Dissemination | 63 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Health Care Facilities Construction and Other Miscellaneous Congressional Earmarks | 304 | 2005 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control | 170 | 2002 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Health Care Patient Safety | 34 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Health Centers | 2022 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Health Information Technology Research (AHRQ) | 45 | 2008 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Health Professions | 318 | 2002 | Ineffective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Health and Human Services - Office for Civil Rights | 34 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Healthy Community Access Program | 0 | 2005 | Ineffective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Healthy Start | 100 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Human Trafficking | 10 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Independent Living Program | 140 | 2004 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Indian Health Service Federally-Administered Activities | 2105 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Indian Health Service Health Care Facilities Construction | 37 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Indian Health Service Resource and Patient Management System | 69 | 2003 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Indian Health Service Sanitation Facilities Construction Program | 94 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Injury Prevention and Control | 135 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program | 2570 | 2003 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Maternal and Child Health Block Grant | 666 | 2008 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Medicaid | 204860 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Medicare | 461171 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Medicare Integrity Program | 1136 | 2002 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Mental Health Programs of Regional and National Significance | 299 | 2005 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Mentoring Children of Prisoners | 49 | 2005 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Minority HIV/AIDS Initiative | 51 | 2007 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | National Bioterrorism Hospital Preparedness Program | 423 | 2003 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | National Bone Marrow Donor Registry | 24 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and Tuberculosis Prevention | 1002 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | National Center for Health Statistics | 114 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | National Health Service Corps | 123 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | National Institutes of Health - Buildings and Facilities | 127 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | National Institutes of Health - Extramural Research Programs | 22044 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | National Institutes of Health - Intramural Research | 2911 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | National Institutes of Health: Extramural Research Facilities Construction | 0 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | National Institutes of Health: Research Training | 1384 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | National Practitioner and Health Care Integrity/Protection Data Banks | 22 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Nursing Education Loan Repayment and Scholarship Program | 31 | 2002 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Office of Child Support Enforcement | 4211 | 2003 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion | 7 | 2005 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals | 64 | 2008 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Office of Minority Health | 49 | 2005 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology | 61 | 2006 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Office on Women's Health | 31 | 2004 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Organ Transplantation | 23 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Pharmaceutical Outcomes | 13 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Poison Control Centers | 27 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness | 53 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Promoting Safe and Stable Families | 428 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness | 35 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Radiation and Exposure Screening and Education Program | 2 | 2006 | Ineffective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Refugee Social Services | 154 | 2002 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Refugee Transitional and Medical Services | 296 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Runaway and Homeless Youth | 96 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Rural Health Activities | 167 | 2003 | Adequate | |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Ryan White HIV/AIDS | 2142 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Shelter and Care for Unaccompanied Alien Children | 133 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Social Services Block Grant | 1700 | 2005 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | State Children's Health Insurance Program | 7065 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | State Planning Grant Program | 0 | 2005 | Ineffective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Substance Abuse Drug Courts | 10 | 2008 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Substance Abuse Prevention Projects of Regional and National Significance | 194 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant | 1759 | 2003 | Ineffective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Substance Abuse Treatment Programs of Regional and National Significance | 400 | 2002 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Telehealth Network Grant Program | 7 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) | 17059 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Trauma-EMS Systems Program | 0 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Traumatic Brain Injury | 9 | 2004 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Tribally-Operated Health Programs | 1804 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | United States-Mexico Border Health Commission | 4 | 2005 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Universal Newborn Hearing Screening and Intervention Program | 12 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Urban Indian Health Program | 35 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Housing & Urban Develp | HOPE VI (Severely Distressed Public Housing) | 100 | 2003 | Ineffective | Link |
Dept of Housing & Urban Develp | Healthy Homes | 9 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Housing & Urban Develp | Homeless Assistance Grants (Competitive) | 1586 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Housing & Urban Develp | Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS | 300 | 2008 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Housing & Urban Develp | Lead Hazard Grants | 70 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Housing & Urban Develp | Public Housing | 6639 | 2005 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Dept of Housing & Urban Develp | Resident Opportunities and Self Sufficiency | 28 | 2008 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Indian Affairs - Human Services | 126 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Land Management - Recreation Management | 75 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Reclamation - Recreation and Concessions | 16 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Reclamation -- Water Management & Environmental Mitigation | 136 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Justice | Radiation Exposure Compensation | 40 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Justice | Residential Substance Abuse Treatment | 9 | 2002 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Department of Justice | Vaccine Injury Compensation Program | 7 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Justice | Violence Against Women Programs | 385 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Labor | Employee Benefits Security Administration | 139 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Labor | Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program | 1109 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Labor | Federal Employees Compensation Act | 289 | 2008 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Labor | Occupational Safety and Health Administration | 486 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Labor | Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation | 427 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of State | Contribution to the United Nations Children's Fund and Other Programs | 128 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Department of State | Contribution to the United Nations Development Programme | 109 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Department of State | President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief: Focus Countries | 4005 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of State | President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief: Global Fund | 841 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of State | President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief: Other Bilateral Programs | 543 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Treasury | Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau Protect the Public Program | 46 | 2002 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Veterans Affairs | Veterans Health Research and Development | 535 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Veterans Affairs | Veterans Medical Care | 38915 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Drinking Water Protection Program | 100 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Human Health Research | 62 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Indoor Air Quality | 36 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Lead-Based Paint Risk Reduction Program | 26 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | National Ambient Air Quality Standards Research | 80 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Stratospheric Ozone Protection | 15 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Intl Assistance Programs | Africa Child Survival and Health | 741 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Intl Assistance Programs | Child Survival and Health - Population | 392 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Intl Assistance Programs | Child Survival and Health for Latin America and the Caribbean | 134 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Office of Personnel Management | Federal Employees Retirement | 95945 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Office of Personnel Management | Inspector General Oversight of Federal Health Benefits Program | 19 | 2003 | Effective | Link |
Social Security Administration | Social Security Disability Insurance | 105461 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Social Security Administration | Social Security Old-Age and Survivors Insurance | 505062 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Social Security Administration | Supplemental Security Income | 44503 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Consumer Product Safety Comm | Consumer Product Safety Commission | 80 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Corp for Natl & Commun Service | AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps | 27 | 2005 | Ineffective | Link |
Corp for Natl & Commun Service | Learn and Serve | 37 | 2007 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Federal Communications Comm | Telecommunications Relay Service | 792 | 2006 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Federal Communications Comm | Universal Service Fund for Rural Health Care Providers | 227 | 2006 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Railroad Retirement Board | Rail Industry Pension Fund | 10404 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
United States Interagency Coun | U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness | 2 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Office of Natl Drug Control | Counterdrug Research & Development | 10 | 2003 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Office of Natl Drug Control | Drug-Free Communities Support Program | 79 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Office of Natl Drug Control | Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign | 99 | 2003 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |