Program Assessment
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Public Water System Supervision Grant Program
EPA's Public Water System Supervision grant program assists states with implemention and enforcement of National Primary Drinking Water Regulations. The regulations are designed to assure that water systems provide an adequate quality of drinking water to the public.
What This Rating Means |
This rating describes a program that needs to set more ambitious goals, achieve better results, improve accountability or strengthen its management practices.
- The program is effectively targeted to achieve its purpose. To receive Public Water System Supervision grant funds, states must demonstrate an adequate ability to implement and enforce their own PWSS program. Funds are allotted by a formula based on relative anticipated workload.
- The program is not able to directly measure the public health benefits of drinking water regulations. Though the program measures compliance with drinking water standards designed to protect public health, it does not measure the actual public health impacts of water quality improvement or decline.
- Data quality problems continue to persist and as a result, EPA may not be accurately reporting the program's performance. In March 2004, the EPA Inspector General concluded that EPA was not accurately reporting its performance due to data quality problems in the drinking water compliance reporting system (Safe Drinking Water Information System).
Improvement Plan
About Improvement Plans |
We are taking the following actions to improve the performance of the program:
- Implementing data quality review recommendations to improve the overall quality of the data in EPA's drinking water compliance reporting system.
- Developing a long-term outcome performance measure to assess the public health impacts of improvements in drinking water compliance.
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