Agency | Program Name | Funding FY08 |
Last PART Assessment |
Rating | Link to Program |
Department of Agriculture | Conservation Operations | 834 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Conservation Reserve Program | 1930 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Emergency Conservation Program | 0 | 2006 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Emergency Pest and Disease Management Programs | 360 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Emergency Watershed Protection Program | 0 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Environmental Quality Incentives Program | 1000 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Farmland Protection Program | 97 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Forest Service: Energy Resource Needs | 105 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Forest Service: Forest Legacy Program | 52 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Forest Service: Invasive Species Program | 128 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Forest Service: Land Acquisition | 42 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Forest Service: Recreation | 278 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Forest Service: Watershed | 814 | 2006 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Department of Agriculture | In-House Research for Natural Resource Base and Environment | 222 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | National Forest Improvement and Maintenance | 474 | 2007 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Natural Resource Base & Environment (Grants) | 193 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | On-going Pest and Disease Management Program | 74 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Resource Conservation and Development | 52 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | USDA Wildland Fire Management | 2049 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention | 50 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Wetlands Reserve Program | 455 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program | 85 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Commerce | Coastal Zone Management Act Programs | 98 | 2003 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Department of Commerce | National Marine Fisheries Service | 496 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Commerce | National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration: Tsunami Monitoring, Forecasting, and Warning Program | 29 | 2008 | Effective | Link |
Department of Commerce | National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration: Climate Program | 240 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Commerce | National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration: Ecosystem Research | 167 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Commerce | National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration: Marine and Aviation Operations | 185 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Commerce | National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration: Navigation Services | 144 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Commerce | National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration: Protected Areas | 51 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Commerce | National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration: Weather and Related Programs | 1846 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Commerce | Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund | 67 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Defense--Military | National Security Space Weather Programs | 719 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Energy | Bonneville Power Administration | 3364 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Energy | Environmental Management | 6153 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Energy | Environmental and Post-Retirement Liabilities | 189 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Coast Guard Fisheries Enforcement | 882 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Coast Guard Marine Environmental Protection | 374 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Coast Guard: Polar Icebreaking Program | 83 | 2004 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Indian Affairs - Dam Safety and Dam Maintenance | 22 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Indian Affairs - Forestry Management | 52 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Indian Affairs - Natural Resource Programs | 92 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Land Management - Energy and Minerals Management | 159 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Land Management - Mining Law Administration | 33 | 2005 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Land Management - Realty and Ownership Management | 124 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Land Management - Recreation Management | 75 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Land Management - Resource Management | 344 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Land Management - Southern Nevada Land Sales | 174 | 2004 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Reclamation - Hydropower | 69 | 2003 | Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Reclamation - Recreation and Concessions | 16 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Reclamation - Rural Water Supply Projects | 68 | 2002 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Reclamation - Safety of Dams Program | 76 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Reclamation - Science and Technology Program | 9 | 2003 | Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Reclamation - Site Security | 35 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Reclamation - Water Management - Project Planning and Construction | 89 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Reclamation - Water Reuse and Recycling | 23 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Reclamation -- Water Management & Environmental Mitigation | 136 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Reclamation Water Management - Operation and Maintenance | 308 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Reclamation: California Federal Bay-Delta (CALFED) | 40 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Reclamation: Central Valley Project Improvement Act | 52 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Department of the Interior - Central Utah Project | 43 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Department of the Interior - Land and Water Conservation Fund Land Acquisition | 67 | 2004 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Department of the Interior | Department of the Interior - Wildland Fire Management | 1057 | 2005 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Department of the Interior | Fish and Wildlife Service - Endangered Species | 277 | 2005 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Department of the Interior | Fish and Wildlife Service - Fisheries | 126 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | Fish and Wildlife Service - Habitat Conservation | 101 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Fish and Wildlife Service - National Wildlife Refuge System | 434 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | Fish and Wildlife Service - Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration | 905 | 2005 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Department of the Interior | Minerals Management Service - Minerals Revenue Management | 121 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | Minerals Management Service - Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Studies | 30 | 2002 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | Minerals Management Service - Outer Continental Shelf Minerals Evaluation and Leasing | 63 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | Minerals Management Service - Outer Continental Shelf Minerals Regulation and Compliance | 104 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | National Park Service - Concessions Management | 67 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | National Park Service - Cultural Resource Stewardship | 103 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | National Park Service - Facility Maintenance | 836 | 2008 | Moderately Effective | |
Department of the Interior | National Park Service - Heritage Partnership | 15 | 2005 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Department of the Interior | National Park Service - Land and Water Conservation Fund State Grants | 26 | 2003 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Department of the Interior | National Park Service - National Historic Preservation | 103 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | National Park Service - Natural Resource Stewardship | 221 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | National Park Service - Park Police | 126 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | National Park Service - Technical Assistance | 13 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Department of the Interior | National Park Service - Visitor Services | 794 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | Office of Surface Mining - Federal Managed Regulation of Surface Coal Mining and Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation | 64 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | Office of Surface Mining - State Managed Abandoned Coal Mine Land Reclamation | 477 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | Office of Surface Mining - State Managed Regulation of Surface Coal Mining | 75 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | US Geological Survey - Biological Information Management and Delivery | 22 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | US Geological Survey - Biological Research and Monitoring | 141 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | US Geological Survey - Coastal and Marine Geology | 41 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | US Geological Survey - Energy Resource Assessments | 26 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | US Geological Survey - Geographic Research, Investigations, and Remote Sensing | 78 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | US Geological Survey - Geologic Hazard Assessments | 86 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | US Geological Survey - Mineral Resource Assessments | 51 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | US Geological Survey - National Cooperative Geological Mapping | 27 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | US Geological Survey - Water Information Collection and Dissemination | 71 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of the Interior | US Geological Survey - Water Resources Research | 143 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of State | Contributions to International Fisheries Commissions | 26 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Department of State | International Boundary and Water Commission | 118 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Department of Transportation | Federal Lands Highway Program | 954 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Transportation | Maritime Administration Ship Disposal Program | 17 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Corps of Engineers-Civil Works | Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration | 515 | 2006 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Corps of Engineers-Civil Works | Coastal Storm Damage Reduction | 75 | 2004 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Corps of Engineers-Civil Works | Corps of Engineers: Coastal Ports and Harbors | 957 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Corps of Engineers-Civil Works | Corps of Engineers: Environmental Stewardship | 110 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Corps of Engineers-Civil Works | Corps of Engineers: Hydropower | 291 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Corps of Engineers-Civil Works | Corps of Engineers: Recreation Management | 267 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Corps of Engineers-Civil Works | Corps of Engineers: Water Storage for Water Supply | 2 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Corps of Engineers-Civil Works | Flood Damage Reduction | 1341 | 2002 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Corps of Engineers-Civil Works | Flood and Coastal Storm Damage Reduction (with Dam Safety) | 1384 | 2008 | Ineffective | |
Corps of Engineers-Civil Works | Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program | 140 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Air Quality Grants and Permitting | 193 | 2005 | Ineffective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Alaska Native Village Water Infrastructure | 25 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Brownfields Revitalization | 167 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Chesapeake Bay Program | 31 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Clean Water State Revolving Fund | 689 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Drinking Water Protection Program | 100 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Drinking Water Research | 60 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Drinking Water State Revolving Fund | 829 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Acid Rain Program | 20 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Chemical Risk Review and Reduction | 46 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Climate Change Programs | 108 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Ecological Research | 79 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Enforcement of Environmental Laws (Civil) | 476 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Enforcement of Environmental Laws (Criminal) | 50 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Environmental Education | 9 | 2004 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Great Lakes Program | 56 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Human Health Research | 62 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Indoor Air Quality | 36 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Lead-Based Paint Risk Reduction Program | 26 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Oil Spill Control | 13 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Pesticide Enforcement Grant Program | 18 | 2004 | Ineffective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Pesticides and Toxics Research | 26 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Radiation Protection Program | 26 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Support for Cleanup of Federal Facilities | 31 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Tribal General Assistance Program | 56 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA's Recycling, Waste Minimization, and Waste Management Program | 182 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Endocrine Disruptors | 19 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Global Change Research | 20 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Human Health Risk Assessment Program | 52 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Land Protection and Restoration Research | 45 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Program | 102 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Mobile Source Air Pollution Standards and Certification | 70 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | National Ambient Air Quality Standards Research | 80 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | National Ambient Air Quality Standards and Regional Haze Programs | 101 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Grants | 201 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Ocean, Coastal, and Estuary Protection | 64 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Pesticide Field Programs | 37 | 2004 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Pesticide Registration | 42 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Pesticide Reregistration | 55 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Pollution Prevention Program | 21 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Pollution Prevention and New Technologies Research | 22 | 2003 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Public Water System Supervision Grant Program | 98 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Corrective Action | 41 | 2003 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Stratospheric Ozone Protection | 15 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Superfund Remedial Action | 600 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Superfund Removal | 242 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Surface Water Protection | 193 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Toxic Air Pollutants - Regulations and Federal Support | 95 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | U. S.-Mexico Border Water Infrastructure | 20 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Underground Injection Control Grant Program | 11 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Underground Storage Tank Program | 27 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Water Pollution Control Grants | 218 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | Water Quality Research | 57 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Intl Assistance Programs | US Agency for International Development Climate Change Program | 0 | 2002 | Adequate | Link |
Natl Aeronautics & Space Admin | NASA Earth Science | 1235 | 2008 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Natl Aeronautics & Space Admin | NASA Earth-Sun System Research | 2496 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Tennessee Valley Authority | Tennessee Valley Authority - NOx Emissions Reduction | 19 | 2007 | Effective | Link |
Tennessee Valley Authority | Tennessee Valley Authority Resource Stewardship | 83 | 2002 | Effective | Link |