Salazar, Sutley, Snow to Provide Update on the California Bay-Delta Conservation Plan
December 15, 201
Salazar, Sutley, Snow to Provide Update on the California Bay-Delta Conservation Plan
WASHINGTON – Today Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, White House Council on Environmental Quality Chair Nancy Sutley, California Secretary of Natural Resources Lester Snow, Deputy Secretary of Interior David J. Hayes and Bureau of Reclamation Director Mike Connor will hold a conference call to provide an update on the on the California Bay-Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP).
Who: Ken Salazar, Secretary of the Interior
Nancy Sutley, White House Council on Environmental Quality Chair
Lester A. Snow, California Secretary of Natural Resources
What: Teleconference on the BDCP
When: TODAY, 2:00 p.m. EST, Wednesday December 15, 2010
Call-In: Participant dial in 1-888-946-3507
Access code CAL WATER
Media: The call is open to credentialed news media