Public Meeting of the Interagency Climate Change Adaptation Task Force in Miami, FL, on June 23, 2010


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:                                                                                   

June 21, 2010                                                                                                             


Public Meeting of the Interagency Climate Change Adaptation Task Force in Miami, FL, on June 23, 2010


MIAMI, FL - Obama Administration officials are holding a public meeting of the Interagency Climate Change Adaptation Task Force in Miami, Florida, on June 23, 2010.  This meeting was organized by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Federal Emergency Management Agency and is co-hosted by the Florida Energy and Climate Commission and the Miami-Dade County Office of Sustainability. 


In 2009, the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) initiated the Interagency Climate Change Adaptation Task Force, which includes representatives from more than 20 Federal Agencies. When President Obama signed the Executive Order on Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance, on October 5, 2009, he called on the Task Force to provide a progress report within one year on agency actions in support of a national climate change adaptation strategy and recommendations for any further measures.


WHO:            Dr. Jane Lubchenco, Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and NOAA Administrator
                       Rob Verchick, Deputy Associate Administrator, Office of Policy, Economics and Innovation, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 
                       James Murley, Chair of the Florida Energy and Climate Commission
                       Katy Sorenson, County Commissioner (District 8) and Chair of the Budget, Planning and Sustainability Committee
                       Harvey Ruvin, Chair, Miami-Dade Climate Change Advisory Task Force and Clerk of Court of Miami-Dade County


WHAT:          Interagency Climate Change Adaptation Task Force Public Meeting


WHEN:          Wednesday, June 23, 9:00 am – 12:00 p.m. public meeting


WHERE:        Miami-Dade County Commission Chambers, located at the Stephen P. Clark Government Center, 111 NW 1st Street, 2nd Floor, Miami, FL  33128


For more information on the Interagency Climate Change Adaptation Task Force, please visit: