What singular set of global resources can provide jobs, food, energy, ecological services, recreation, and tourism while also playing a critical role in transportation, trade, and national security? The answer, as explained in an Executive Order signed by President Obama this summer, is the world’s oceans, our Nation’s coasts, and the Great Lakes. That Order created the National Ocean Council, whose Deputies met for the first time today in the latest move toward implementing—as ordered by the President—the recommendations of the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force and developing coastal and marine spatial plans that will build upon and improve existing Federal, State, tribal, local, and regional planning processes. To learn more, check out the National Ocean Council site and today’s blog post by the Council’s co-chairs, OSTP Director John Holdren and Council on Environmental Quality chair Nancy Sutley.
Rick Weiss is Director of Strategic Communications and Senior Science and Technology Policy Analyst at the Office of Science and Technology Policy