Yesterday, I and a number of my colleagues engaged in the President’s Strategy for American Innovation had the pleasure of hosting a meeting with Chief Technology Officers from a dozen of the Nation’s most innovative technology firms. Our intention was to explore collaboration opportunities that would foster more digital infrastructure investment, unleash a mobile broadband revolution, and encourage innovations in health, energy, and education powered by technology.
We were particularly interested in feedback on how government might support such efforts acting as a convener—on open data, voluntary consensus standards, and prizes & challenges associated with R&D investment, for example.
Participants included individuals engaged in the design and deployment of critical technology infrastructure that will serve as an important foundation for America’s long-term economic future. During our conversation, we surfaced a number of areas worthy of pursuit, including engagement in our recently announced Requests for Information on standards, the Networking & Information Technology R&D review published by the President’s Council of Advisors on Science & Technology, and the President’s Spectrum Initiative.
The comments shared during this meeting will inform our ongoing efforts to execute on the President’s Innovation Strategy and I’m confident they will translate into tangible actions in the coming weeks and months.
I would like to personally thank the incredibly busy and talented leaders who took the time to prepare and discuss these matters. Their commitment reinforced my faith in our ability to collaborate in the advancement of America’s technology-driven future.
Technology CTO Roundtable Attendees:
Vanu Bose, Vanu, Inc.
John Donovan, AT&T
Shaygan Kheradpir
Dick Lynch, Verizon Communications
Jeff Nick, EMC
Roberto Padovani, Qualcomm
Justin Rattner, Intel
Geoff Roman, Motorola Mobility
Pradeep Sindhu, Juniper Networks
Scott Teissler, Turner Broadcasting
Marcus Weldon, Alcatel-Lucent
Tony Werner, Comcast
Barry West, Coverage Company