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America’s Great Outdoors Youth Chat with Sec. Vilsack and Sec. Salazar

Secretaries Tom Vilsack and Ken Salazar will be answering questions about America's Great Outdoors initiative during a live chat on March 17, 2011, at 2:00 p.m. EST.

Ed. Note: Cross-posted from the America's Great Outdoors blog.

Last month President Obama announced the final report of his America’s Great Outdoors initiative, featuring young Americans who are excited about conservation and ready to get involved in the outdoors. Your suggestions were clear. You want the outdoors to be relevant and accessible to everyone. You want jobs and more opportunities to learn in the outdoors. But most importantly, you want to help make it happen. Now, we want to keep the conversation going.

Please join us on Thursday March 17th at 2:00 p.m. EST as Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack and Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar answer your questions live at

Submit your questions in advance on the YouthGO YouTube or send them to

You can also submit questions live via the White House Facebook app.

With the release of the America’s Great Outdoors report we mark a new beginning in our efforts to reconnect our nation’s young people to the natural places that define our country and fuel our spirit of adventure. Our nation’s youth have spoken. Now it’s up to us to listen to what you’ve said.