Foreclosure may be preventable with facts! The HUD Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnership Center is hosting the Neighborhood Leaders Strengthening Neighborhood People Facing Foreclosure Conference in Washington, DC, on March 23, 2011, from 10:00 AM – 3:30 PM. This conference will also be broadcast online.
We want to equip faith-based and community non-profit leaders with the necessary tools to equip their congregations and clients with knowledge of programs and services to help prevent foreclosure. Participants will learn about programs and resources available on foreclosure and scam prevention, becoming a HUD approved Housing Counseling Agency (HCAs), and how existing HCAs can help families facing foreclosure and find housing if foreclosure occurs. Banks will also be represented to give participants a clear understanding of their role and how they can help you during foreclosure.
Join us at HUD Headquarters in Washington, DC. Be a part of our audience and help educate your community on saving their homes and bringing hope to those facing foreclosure.
Guest seating is limited for Audience Participation. Register now. If you want to view the national broadcast, email us for information at: partnerships@hud.gov
Linda Ayala serves as Program Manager for the HUD Partnership Center.