Today, President Obama, Vice President Biden, First Lady Obama and Dr. Biden launched Joining Forces, a national initiative to support and honor America’s service members and their families. The initiative aims to educate, challenge, and spark action from all sectors of our society – citizens, communities, businesses, non-profits, faith based institutions, philanthropic organizations, and government – to ensure military families have the support they have earned.
The First Lady and Dr. Biden announced the initiative and JoiningForces.gov in this special video:
Our new website -- JoiningForces.gov -- provides ways for all Americans to step up and show their gratitude to our service members and their families. Here, you can share a messages of thanks, find opportunities to get involved and share stories of service. We'll also highlight Federal Government support and the outstanding American citizens, communities, and businesses that are serving our nation's military families.
“Joining Forces was created to recognize and serve our nation‟s extraordinary military families who, like their loved ones in uniform, serve and sacrifice so much so that we can live in freedom and security," said Mrs. Obama, "This is a challenge to every segment of American society not to simply say thank you but to mobilize, take action and make a real commitment to supporting our military families.”
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