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Announcing the 2011 White House Easter Egg Roll Poster Contest Winners

The First Lady selects the winning designs for the 2011 Official Easter Egg Roll Poster and the 2011 Official Easter Egg Roll Program Cover.

This year we invited local Elementary and Middle School students in Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia to submit entries for the 2011 White House Easter Egg Roll Poster Contest.  The response was tremendous -- we were excited to receive over 400 entries from 135 schools! The First Lady selected the winning designs for the 2011 Official Easter Egg Roll Poster and Program Cover. 

Students were asked to incorporate this year's theme, “Get Up and Go!” The theme goes along with the First Lady’s Let’s Move! initiative, a national effort to combat childhood obesity, and promotes health and wellness.

And the winners are...

We are happy to announce that the program cover artwork selected was created by Morgan Ferrans, a twelve year old at Maryvale Preparatory School in Brooklandville, Maryland. Morgan did a wonderful job with the “Get Up and Go!” theme, by showing kids and the Easter bunny playing sports and staying active on the South Lawn, just as kids will do at the event. 

Easter Egg Roll cover artwork selected was created by Morgan Ferrans

The winning design for the 2011 Official Easter Egg Roll Program Cover was created by twelve year old Morgan Ferrans.

Alyssa Pendergast, a twelve year old attending Harper Park Middle School, was the co-winner of the contest and her artwork was chosen as the 2011 Official Easter Egg Roll Poster.  Harper Park Middle School is located in Leesburg, Virginia.  Alyssa also did a great job with incorporating the “Get Up and Go!” theme into the poster.  Kids are playing basketball, biking, and eating healthy.

Easter Egg Roll cover artwork co-winner selected was created by Alyssa Pendergast

The winning design for the 2011 Official Easter Egg Roll Poster was created by twelve year old Alyssa Pendergast.

Be sure to check out this year’s commemorative wooden eggs!  The eggs come in the pastel colors purple, pink, green, and yellow. The eggs are handmade in the United States from wood that is harvested using strict environmentally friendly practices. Each egg features a stamp of the logo, and the signatures of both the President and First Lady. The 2011 souvenir eggs can be purchased online through the National Parks Foundation.

Eggs for the 2011 Easter Egg Roll photographed on the South Lawn of the White House

Eggs for the 2011 Easter Egg Roll photographed on the South Lawn March 24, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)

Look out for information about musical performers between now and the 2011 White House Easter Egg Roll!