Watch the First Lady's full remarks here.
Today is Take our Daughters and Sons to Work Day. The Executive Office of the President celebrated by encouraging staff to bring their children to work with them at the White House. Over 150 children took part in a program designed to encourage young people to explore the different paths they can take to create their own future. The theme for this year’s event was Invent Your Future: A Day at the White House for Tomorrow’s Leaders.
The day began with the children taking the same Oath of Office their parents took on their first day in the EOP. They were then treated to a slideshow presentation from the White House Photo Office, showing the President and Vice President at work in Washington, DC and around the country. The children also learned first-hand what it is like to work for the United States Secret Service, the National Park Service, the White House Pastry Chef, and the Office of Science and Technology Policy. The highlight of the event was a question and answer session with First Lady Michelle Obama, where the children asked about her job as First Lady, and First Mom. Some of the great questions included: What is her favorite sport (tennis); what is her first favorite book (Song of Solomon); and what is Bo’s favorite activity (walking the White House grounds or cuddling with the First Lady).
A special thanks to all those who helped the children of the EOP take another step toward inventing their future.
Hilary Alley is the Associate Director of the White House Office of Management and Administration.