Last Monday, the U.S. Agency for International Development, in partnership with the Ad Council, launched a public awareness campaign called “FWD” – standing for Famine, War, Drought - to draw the attention to the humanitarian crisis in the Horn of Africa.
The campaign is calling on Americans to FWD the Facts. FWD them to your friends, FWD them to your neighbors, FWD them to everyone you know.
A few of the facts:
In addition to FWD the Facts, the campaign will feature TV and radio public service announcements (PSAs), a text to donate campaign, and a new website – www.usaid.gov/FWD. The FWD campaign is all about getting people engaged in the crisis – to “Do More Than Donate” – and to learn about the solutions to the problem.
We know that it doesn’t have to be this way – famine does not have to exist. Through the President’s Feed the Future initiative the government is working to prevent future food crisis from occurring in the first place by investing in Africa’s agriculture development.
Dr. Biden visited the Horn of Africa region in early August to draw attention to the crisis, and met mothers who walked more than 100 miles seeking medical attention and food for their children. Last week, Dr. Biden spoke to David Letterman about her trip and encouraged Americans to get involved.
You can be a part of the solution. Small donations can make a difference between life and death for a child. But you can also “Do More Than Donate” – visit usaid.gov/FWD to learn more about how you can get involved.
Courtney O’Donnell is Communications Director to Dr. Jill Biden.