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American Transportation Built by American Workers

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood calls on Congress to pass the American Jobs Act to create jobs and invest in American infrastructure.

Ed. Note: Cross-posted from Fast Lane, the blog of the Secretary of Transportation.

Earlier this week, President Obama called on Congress to recognize the needs of unemployed Americans by taking up the American Jobs Act this month. 

I was reminded of my trip to St. Paul, MN, where I saw the progress being made on the Central Corridor Light Rail Line, which will connect St. Paul and Minneapolis.  That project is expected to create 3,300 jobs – and that doesn’t even include the local businesses that will benefit from being located near the line’s 18 new stations. 

We're talking about American transportation, built by American workers, and strengthening an American city.  It can and should be a model for the rest of the country.  And that's why I'm so excited about the American Jobs Act.