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Working Together to Prevent Prescription Drug Abuse

Ty Sells describes Youth to Youth International's collaborative approach to prevent prescription drug abuse among Central Ohio teens, including the development of a toolkit and interactive presentation.

Youth to Youth International, the Cardinal Health Foundation, and the Ohio State University College of Pharmacyare working together to prevent prescription drug abuse among Central Ohio teens.  With the help of a grant from Cardinal Health Foundation, a group of Youth to Youth teens have adapted a tool kit from the Generation Rx website, into an exciting, interactive and informative presentation entitled, “The pHARMING Effects.”

“The pHARMING Effects” is a great example of the necessity and effectiveness of collaboration in the prevention of drug abuse.  While entertaining, this presentation also will expand awareness and teach strategies to prevent prescription drug abuse and misuse among middle and high school youth.  Key components of the presentation include:

  • A definition of prescription drug abuse as: More- using more of a prescription drug than prescribed; Not Yours – taking a prescription drug not prescribed for you; and Just Poor- taking a prescription drug for a reason other than you’re supposed to;
  • The insidious nature of addiction;
  • The impact of marketing prescription drugs as well as tips to critically view these ads; and
  • Relevant statistics and strategies to impact change in their homes, schools and communities.

Youth to Youth was founded in 1982 in Columbus, Ohio, as a community-based drug prevention and youth leadership program focusing primarily on middle school and high school students. The goal of its many projects is harnessing the powerful influence of peer pressure-- making it a positive, peer led force that encourages young people to live free of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs. For more information check out Youth to Youth International website.

Ty Sells is Director of Training and Development for Youth to Youth International