Last month, the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders announced the launch of its “What’s Your Story?” video challenge. The stories we’ve received so far are inspiring and we hope to hear from more of you. As a reminder, the deadline for the video challenge is November 1. You can submit your entry by going to obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/whatsyourstory.
In your video, tell us how your unique experiences have shaped who you are today. Are you a passionate advocate of green and health initiatives for nail salons? Have you made a difference in your community through work with immigrant integration programs? Are you part of a movement that paves the way for AAPIs in the arts? In your video of 3-minutes or less, tell us about your own experience and community leadership. You may also submit an essay under 1,000 words to address these questions.
We will review the submissions and post a select number of entries on the White House website. In addition, we’ll invite a group of exceptional AAPI leaders to share their stories at the White House as special guests at a White House Initiative event.
Eddie Lee is an Associate Director in the White House Office of Public Engagement.