Something my mom used to tell me when I was little kid, “great things come in small packages.” She’s right and it’s also true that great change often comes in the small acts we commit ourselves on a daily basis. College students across the country embody this very spirit and are making a difference in their community every day. Whether it’s a campus initiative to install energy efficient light bulbs in dorm rooms, a student founded campus women’s center that provides free education and professional resources, or an innovative mentorship program helping high school students graduate, change is achieved by taking small steps forward toward a greater goal.
One such individual that has taken and run with this idea is 20-year old NYU student Erin Schrode, a dynamic, passionate and ambitious young woman committed to creating big change everywhere she goes. A self proclaimed “eco-renaissance” woman, Erin's latest venture has brought much needed school supplies to over 14,000 children in earthquake ravaged Haiti. Here’s an excerpt from a great profile written by our friends at HelloGiggles:
Erin told me she’s constantly asked how she does so much. Her response was simple, “How can you not? How can you stand by and watch what’s happening in the world and not step into action?” I think we can all take a cue from Erin and try a little harder to do more within our own lives and the lives of others.
I couldn’t agree more! Check out her profile and others from our series with HelloGiggles to learn more about Erin’s inspiring story and more Women Working to Do Good.
If you are a college student who has launched a program that is making a difference in your community just like Erin, enter the White House Campus Champions of Change Challenge and you may get invited to present your project at the White House! In addition to being invited to the White House, you may have the opportunity to work with mtvU, and MTV Act to create short features about your project that will air on mtvU and be featured on MTV.com. The winning team will also host an episode of mtvU’s signature program, “The Dean’s List”. Share this with your classmates; we want to hear from you!
Read more about Women Working to Do Good
Ronnie Cho is the Associate Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement.