Right now 13.3 million people are in crisis because of Famine, War, and Drought in the Horn of Africa. It is the worst drought in 60 years and the worst famine in 20 during a time of non-stop violence.
We’re asking you and your community to get involved.
In response, USAID has launched its first-ever public awareness campaign FWD (Famine. War. Drought.) to create nationwide awareness about the crisis and to spur relief efforts for those affected.
Wednesday, November 9th, USAID will sponsor a FWD>Day of Action for the Horn of Africa. We are asking 13.3 million Americans to FWD the facts about the crisis through a number of different mediums in a massive push to spread awareness and ensure the Horn of Africa tragedy no longer goes overlooked.
At 11:00 AM EST tomorrow, I'll be sitting down with Rebecca Gustafson and Members of the Response Management Team from USAID for a conversation on Twitter about the crisis and how you and your community can be help.
Please send your questions and comments about ways that you can help to spread awareness to @USAID or @JonCarson44, with the hastag #FWDatWH
Help us reach the 13.3 million mark!
Jon Carson is the Director of the Office of Public Engagement.