In June, Title IX, the federal law that mandates gender equality in school sports, will celebrate its 40th anniversary. There's no denying its impact: Since 1972, the number of female athletes in college has climbed by more than 450 percent.
In a discussion with ESPN's Andy Katz, President Obama talks about why that's so important:
Studies show that girls who are involved in athletics often do better in school; they are more confident in terms of dealing with boys. And, so, for those of us who grew up just as Title IX was taking off, to see the development of women's role models in sports, and for girls to know they excelled in something, there would be a spot for them in college where they weren't second-class, I think has helped to make our society more equal in general.
The President also discussed one of his favorite weekend responsibilities -- helping to coach his daughter Sasha's basketball team.
The whole interview is worth a watch. Take some time to check it out.