The President's health care law gives hard working, middle-class families the security they deserve. The Affordable Care Act forces insurance companies to play by a new set of common sense rules, prohibiting them from dropping your coverage if you get sick, billing you into bankruptcy through annual or lifetime limits, and, soon, discriminating against anyone with a pre-existing condition.
The new law is also delivering critical support to Community Health Centers nationwide. This morning, the Obama Administration announced new grants made possible by the Affordable Care Act to support 398 renovation and construction projects at Community Health Centers nationwide. These projects will help Community Health Centers serve nearly 900,000 more patients. And these grants are just one of the ways the new health care law and our Administration are making Community Health Centers stronger.
According to a new report we released today:
Unfortunately, some in Congress want to refight the political battles of the last three years and repeal the Affordable Care Act. Here’s what repealing the health care law would mean for Community Health Centers and millions of Americans:
Supporting our community health centers is just one way the Affordable Care Act is making our health care system stronger. To learn more about how the law is improving health care for millions of Americans nationwide, visit