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Happy Birthday, Air Force!

Our nation's youngest branch of the military celebrates its 65th birthday.

September 18 marks the United States Air Force’s 65th birthday, a day to celebrate our nation’s youngest service, and recognize the dedicated men and women who serve today, and those who have served since its inception.

Air Force 65th Birthday

Photo Credit: United States Air Force

In a birthday message, Secretary of the Air Force Michael Donley, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III and Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James Roy paid tribute to the significant strides that have been in a relatively short period of time :

Throughout our proud history, the Air Force has embraced the technology that continues to revolutionize our capabilities in air, space and cyberspace. We owe an enormous debt to the ground-breaking visionaries and engineering pioneers who brought the technology of flight to life, and to the professional strategists and tacticians who imagined the military possibilities of these new technologies and propelled the science, theory and application forward.

While our Service enjoys an unbreakable connection to state-of-the-art technology, we must never forget that everything we do depends on our people, the living engine of our Air Force. Today, more than ever, the Air Force can take pride that our Service culture promotes and benefits from the know-how, determination, and commitment of a diverse group of men and women who embody our Core Values -- Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence In All We Do -- while pursuing adaptive and innovative solutions for our Nation's security.

While today is a special day to commemorate the men and women of the Air Force, as Americans, this is something we should do every day. Take a moment to share a message of thanks with a military family and show your appreciation for their hard work and sacrifices.

Happy birthday, Air Force! Aim High ... Fly-Fight-Win!

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