America has a tradition of generosity. Today, we celebrate Giving Tuesday, a new nationwide effort to raise attention and motivate action for the common good. It’s a trend worth encouraging.
The organizers have named the Tuesday after Thanksgiving as an annual moment to support the most vulnerable and uplift our communities.
Giving Tuesday is intended to encourage Americans to reflect and give back. This commemoration does not seek to coordinate funds toward a particular charity or to direct volunteers to support a specific cause. Instead, it attempts to encourage active citizenship. It seeks to open a national conversation about the ability of all Americans to participate in positive action.
We know that such charitable activities can bring multiple levels of benefit. First, they help the immediate beneficiaries that are affected by charity or service. Beyond this direct impact, we know that charitable activities yield indirect dividends in many ways. For example, we know that active volunteering has been linked to expanding opportunity and increasing employment.
Giving Tuesday has gathered support from a cross-sector coalition of nonprofits, faith-based institutions, foundations, and corporations in all 50 states.
Whatever your favorite cause and preferred activity, Giving Tuesday is a day when everyone can make a difference. When we come together, such collective action can create a lasting impact on our communities. And stronger communities are the gift that keeps on giving.