In his Inaugural address earlier today on Capitol Hill, President Obama called on all Americans to work together to solve our nation's problems:
America’s possibilities are limitless, for we possess all the qualities that this world without boundaries demands: youth and drive; diversity and openness; an endless capacity for risk and a gift for reinvention. My fellow Americans, we are made for this moment, and we will seize it -- so long as we seize it together.
The President's second term will offer many ways for citizens to participate in conversations with the President and his team about the issues that are most important to them, from immigration reform to preventing gun violence to changing our tax code. In keeping with President Obama's commitment to creating the most accessible and participatory Administration in history, the next four years will feature ongoing opportunties for citizens to add their voices to discussions in Washington, creating an open dialogue and working together to move our country forward.
We put together a video that looks at some of the ways President Obama has engaged with ordinary citizens over the last four years, and highlights ongoing opportunties for Americans to raise their voices and join the national conversation:
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