The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today released a new, easy-to-use interactive tool that gives anybody - researchers, physicians, public health professionals, policymakers, consumer advocates, tech innovators, and the public – the ability to find and examine data on multiple chronic conditions among Medicare beneficiaries. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Chronic Conditions Dashboard furthers the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) goals for health promotion and the prevention and management of multiple chronic conditions and is an integral part of the Administration’s Health Data Initiative that seeks to release more health-related data in more usable formats to the public in order to promote innovation and improvement in health and care.
The Dashboard includes data for 2011 and presents summarized information on the prevalence of chronic conditions, as well as aggregate Medicare costs and utilization measures for beneficiaries with multiple chronic conditions at various geographic levels – national, state, and hospital referral region. Examples of what you can find in the Dashboard include:
In addition, you can directly download the population-level data underlying these calculations in machine-readable formats to produce your own analysis (all while protecting beneficiary privacy; no patient-level data is being released).
Currently, little is known about differences in health care use and spending across states (or other geographic areas) for populations with multiple chronic conditions. The Dashboard’s data analytics compare information in beneficiary populations and in different geographic settings, which can help to identify areas for improving health outcomes, lowering costs, and maximizing patients’ quality of life.