This afternoon, David Simas sent the message below to the White House email list, asking people to speak out in favor of the health care law. If you didn't get the email, be sure to sign up.
Hi all --
Today, Republicans in the House of Representatives are going to come together, cast a vote, and try to repeal the Affordable Care Act just as they've done nearly 40 times before.
Don't expect much to come of it.
The health care law was passed by Congress, signed by the President, and upheld by the Supreme Court. It's been the law of the land for more than three years. It's not going anywhere. We know that, and so do the lawmakers on Capitol Hill. But instead of creating jobs and growing the economy, some of them want to make yet another gesture of protest -- even if it's meaningless.
So we're responding with a little gesture of our own, and we need your help.
We're asking people like you to speak out, to let us know if you're one of the 85 percent of Americans who've already benefitted from the health care law, and make a public stand in support of Obamacare.
Repealing the Affordable Care Act would mean that 6.6 million young adults would lose the option of staying on their parent's health insurance. It would mean that 34.1 million seniors would pay more for preventive care like mammograms and colonoscopies, and 18 million middle-class families lose the opportunity to save money on their monthly premiums starting in 2014. But this isn't about numbers; this is about our families's lives.
And we're not just asking you to share your stories for the sake of speaking out. We're building a network of people to help make sure that everyone has the information they need as we implement the law. We'll keep you in the loop as we reach important milestones. We'll make sure you have all the key facts so that you can share them in your communities.
If you lend your name, we'll make sure you're part of that network. This is a chance to do more than send a message about your support for the Affordable Care Act. It's an opportunity to be part of making the law a success.
Show your support for the health care law today:
David Simas
Deputy Senior Advisor
The White House