Last July, President Obama established the HIV Care Continuum Initiative, which addresses the gaps in care and prevention, especially among communities with the greatest HIV burden. On World AIDS Day 2013, the White House Office of National AIDS Policy (ONAP) released a report outlining the first recommendations and action steps from the Initiative detailing how federal efforts will be integrated to improve outcomes along the care continuum, including strengthening linkage to care, retention and treatment.
The report also includes a first ever glimpse of national progress (via HIV surveillance data) on the nine indicators of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy. In addition, the report highlights progress being made in three major U.S. cities – New York, San Francisco and Washington, D.C. – in the fight against AIDS as well as some of the unique public-private partnerships that are responding to the National HIV/AIDS Strategy.
The next stage of implementation of the Strategy will be guided by the work on the Initiative, in conjunction with ongoing enactment of the Affordable Care Act, which will increase healthcare coverage for thousands of persons living with HIV and millions at risk for infection.
To read the report, click here.