Earlier this afternoon, John Podesta, Counselor to the President, sent the following message to the White House email list. In the email, he highlights the solar panels on the White House roof, as well as the outstanding solar progress our country is making.
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On America’s path toward a clean energy future, solar power is an increasingly important building block.
That's why we installed solar panels on the roof of the White House – it’s a clear sign of our commitment to energy efficiency.
But it's not just the White House that's going solar.
Earlier today, President Obama announced that more than 300 organizations in the public and private sector have made commitments to advance the deployment of solar power and invest in energy efficiency.
These new commitments mean thousands of homes will go solar in the next few years, and electricity bills will be lower for more than 1 billion square feet of buildings.
Simply put, solar panels mean less carbon pollution, and more jobs for Americans – jobs that can't be outsourced. They're good for our energy future, and they're good for our economy.
Last year, jobs in the solar industry increased by 20 percent. And a new American home or business goes solar every four minutes.
Thanks, and stay tuned.
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