Wanda Vasquez is being honored as a Transportation Ladders of Opportunity Champion of Change.
I am honored to have been nominated and selected by the White House as a Transportation Champion of Change.
Since 1985, I have worked with non-profit community organizations. In 2004 as I began working as the Occupant Protection Coordinator for Chicago, I began educating the community on the Traffic Safety issues affecting the Chicago area. As part of my position I had to participate in a National Child Passenger Safety Certification Course. A course that took 4 days and where I was going to learn how to use car seats correctly, to then educate the community. I became a Nationally Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST) and continued to become and Certified Instructor in 2005. (NHTSA Child Passenger Safety Certification Course, www.NHTSA.gov).
I learned that traffic crashes are the leading cause of death for children age 4 and ages 11-14. I also learned Hispanic children are at a great risk for injury and death in traffic crashes because their restraint use is low. I knew this first hand, as a Hispanic Women I never used a car seat for my children. Something had to change.
I knew that we had a large amount of Hispanics migrating to the United States, specifically to the Chicagoland area, and many never used a car seat in their country. Many did not speak English, nor know about the laws in the state, and many times were afraid of the police. We had to change their behaviors, in a positive way. We needed individuals that could speak the language, understand the culture and who had a passion for safety. I began teaching the certification course and training bilingual, Hispanic advocates to educate the community on how to keep their families safe. Presentations and car seats inspection events continued to be organized and held in communities throughout the Chicagoland area and throughout the state of Illinois. Families are educated on an individual basis and are oftentimes referred to community organizations or hospitals where car seats are available for a residual fee. Individuals take advantage of these services and now are more aware of the importance of keeping their children safe. The Traffic Safety Behaviors within the Hispanic communities in Chicago has changed. Individuals are using their seat belts and using appropriate car seats for their children.
Joining Rincon Family Services as the Traffic Safety Liaison gave me the opportunity to continue educating the Hispanic community. Coordinating the IDOT Traffic Safety Resource Center and a car seat distribution program gave me to opportunity to reach individuals beyond the Chicagoland area. Educating individuals on the importance of staying safe while traveling and using car seats correctly is what I do with a passion. A passion that has driven me to Latin America to train Hispanic Advocates to educate families in their communities. I am proud to be part the growing number of Traffic Safety Advocates nationwide.
Wanda Vazquez is the IDOT Traffic Safety Liaison at Rincon Family Services.