On February 22, 1837, President Andrew Jackson had a 1,400-pound block of cheese hauled into the main foyer of the White House for an open house with thousands of citizens and his staff, where they discussed the issues of the day while carving off slabs of cheddar.
Here at the White House, we're dedicated to making President Obama's administration the most open and accessible in history. That's why, for the second year in a row, we thought it'd be a gouda idea to bring back this long-standing tradition.
So today, for the second-annual virtual Big Block of Cheese Day, White House officials have been spending their day on social media to directly answer your questions using the hashtag #AskTheWH.
.@USNewsUD Work force training programs paired with the President's #FreeCommunityCollege plan ensure Americans a lifetime of opportunity.
— Dr. Jill Biden (@DrBiden) January 21, 2015
.@tntucky To make college more affordable, we've ↑ Pell Grants, expanded education tax credits & capped federal student loan payments.
— Dr. Jill Biden (@DrBiden) January 21, 2015
.@CLoNavajo-@FLOTUS tells students to stretch themselves past their comfort zones & exploring new communities. But fit matters. #AskTheWH
— Reach Higher (@ReachHigher) January 21, 2015
.@JWikelski-a lib'l arts education means being well-rounded. Following your passion and deep thinking will put you in good stead #AskTheWH
— Reach Higher (@ReachHigher) January 21, 2015
.@Matrix735-Nobel prize economists agree that high quality early learning has a 7 to 1 ROI. Critical for low-income folks. #AskTheWH
— Reach Higher (@ReachHigher) January 21, 2015
.@ZCarlander -- every single day, @StateDept also working w/our int’l partners on road to #Paris/efforts on #climatechange. #AskTheWH (3/3)
— John Kerry (@JohnKerry) January 21, 2015
.@Pringlemcfry POTUS strongly believes in a free/open internet. Click here to learn more about his stance: http://t.co/jyo5VxGEus #AskTheWH
— Valerie Jarrett (@vj44) January 21, 2015
.@DanaKkP POTUS supports HealthyFamiliesAct which wld give employees paid sick days for their own illness/preventative care or for sick fam
— Valerie Jarrett (@vj44) January 21, 2015
.@elena_bjj Love all NPs & see them when I can - nature, culture, history - it's all there. Gotta love my home mtn-Rainier :>) SJ #AskTheWH
— Sally Jewell (@SecretaryJewell) January 21, 2015
.@deepanjalij Voice of youth v important - engage in discussions - local, nat'l, write letters, tweet, vote, engage w electeds! SJ #AskTheWH
— Sally Jewell (@SecretaryJewell) January 21, 2015
.@fergusjan All NPs have plans 2 adapt & mitigate 4 climate change. Public ed also important - nature is best classroom! SJ #AskTheWH
— Sally Jewell (@SecretaryJewell) January 21, 2015
.@elena_bjj @USDOT Familiar problem. Requires investment and smart land use strategies. Need good local planning and GROW AMERICA Act..
— Anthony Foxx (@SecretaryFoxx) January 21, 2015
.@NationalAction We need more diversity in transportation fields, repairing past mistakes with 21st century design and improve public input
— Anthony Foxx (@SecretaryFoxx) January 21, 2015
.@ConnorGodd @USDOT Learned a lot from Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy and we're now applying best practices in resiliency where possible.
— Anthony Foxx (@SecretaryFoxx) January 21, 2015
.@hcjohnsoniv Speed up projects (saving $), increase federal investment (growing jobs) and help states focus investments that grow jobs.
— Anthony Foxx (@SecretaryFoxx) January 21, 2015
.@jobseeker2015 there are 2,500 American Job Centers around the country and one in your neighborhood. http://t.co/5Ze2nYEEKm #AskTheWH
— Tom Perez (@LaborSec) January 21, 2015
.@ConorEarl raise the min wage; update OT rules; upskill workers; and ensure that workers have meaningful voice in the workplace. #AskTheWH
— Tom Perez (@LaborSec) January 21, 2015
.@ShopFloorNAM as the big 3 auto recovery demonstrated, when unions & biz work together, they succeed together. #AskTheWH #SharedProsperity
— Tom Perez (@LaborSec) January 21, 2015
The future is NOW @Ern_tod. Wind power has tripled and energy from the sun as increased more than tenfold #AskTheWH #ActOnClimate
— John Podesta (@Podesta44) January 21, 2015
.@GeorgeMo POTUS has protected >260m acres of lands and waters as monuments—and there's still ink in his signing pen pic.twitter.com/1UurKsyCPR
— John Podesta (@Podesta44) January 21, 2015
#AskTheWH @JasonRiffe New fuel economy standards for cars & trucks + energy boom built on fed R&D + clean energy powerhouse #ActOnClimate
— John Podesta (@Podesta44) January 21, 2015
.@TomasBilbao Human rights key part of agenda with #Cuba - we'll be more effective in empowering Cuban people through engagement #askthewh
— Ben Rhodes (@rhodes44) January 21, 2015
.@Coach_Carder US has reduced role of nukes in our strategy and is reducing to New START levels. Modernization maintains deterrent #AskTheWH
— Ben Rhodes (@rhodes44) January 21, 2015
.@MomMilkshake We don't want cases of detained Americans linked to nuke negotiations - Iran should release them unconditionally #AskTheWH
— Ben Rhodes (@rhodes44) January 21, 2015
.@EHS_APGov The Senate immigration bill grows the economy and shrinks the deficit.http://t.co/gmGKUl4nve #AsktheWH
— Cecilia Muñoz (@Cecilia44) January 21, 2015
.@MCHadley Yes. Here's a place you can go to get support on federal loans. https://t.co/xcjfj0CoLo #AskTheWH
— Cecilia Muñoz (@Cecilia44) January 21, 2015
Thanks for the questions! Some cheeseheads hard at work: @SecretaryJewell @ReachHigher @Vargas44 @lacasablanca pic.twitter.com/0T0DvjWVrx
— Cecilia Muñoz (@Cecilia44) January 21, 2015
Yes! @Euclidean84 less than a year after start of Obamacare, overall Latino uninsured rate dropped from 36% to 23% http://t.co/fScWujOCYO
— Katherine Vargas (@Vargas44) January 21, 2015
.@Latinovations More Latinos are already enrolled in college than ever before nearly half attend a public 2-yr school pic.twitter.com/eZbiXVDf1K
— Katherine Vargas (@Vargas44) January 21, 2015
.@ralfamador these changes will empower the Cuban people so theybecome less dependent upon the state-driven economy http://t.co/adERUQlRbp
— Katherine Vargas (@Vargas44) January 21, 2015
.@miami_rj the President believes we need to make sure all Americans have the skills needed to succeed in 21st century economy #AskTheWH
— Eric Schultz (@Schultz44) January 21, 2015
.@CoachTaylorBMMS Yes, that is why we now have higher fuel standards in our cars. pic.twitter.com/RAGyAFCLpy #sotu #AskTheWH
— Eric Schultz (@Schultz44) January 21, 2015
.@laurenkgray Yes there is! You can gruyere all about it here: http://t.co/Lijdu6ynLx #AskTheWH #SOTU
— Eric Schultz (@Schultz44) January 21, 2015
.@CDMitch6 rumor has it Pres Jackson used cheddar. Today, we'll go for gouda puns and try to make it even feta than Jacksons #AsktheWH
— Paulette Aniskoff (@PAniskoff44) January 21, 2015
.@AZoellick We're thrilled that 10 million Americans have insurance that didn't b4, & millions more have feta coverage because of the #ACA!
— Paulette Aniskoff (@PAniskoff44) January 21, 2015
.@deboraberas many steps have been taken on immigration, details here: http://t.co/QgFfKxguvI but more can be done by Congress! #AsktheWH
— Paulette Aniskoff (@PAniskoff44) January 21, 2015
@mattdouglas22 POTUS plan is substantial net tax cut for middle class families & students: simple $2500 per year to cover college #AskTheWH
— Brian Deese (@DeeseOMB) January 21, 2015
@CoachTaylorBMMS Only Cong. can pass fed min wage; they should now. States & cities can pass increases; businesses can act too #AskTheWH
— Brian Deese (@DeeseOMB) January 21, 2015
.@tomika_leverett Only way they'll act is if you make your voice heard! More here: http://t.co/sEHCP1HM7S pic.twitter.com/V3iomBao6f #AsktheWH
— Stephanie Young (@Stephanie44) January 21, 2015
.@Mandy4Action: @USAID promotes local ownership, private investment, innovation to end extreme poverty worldwide. http://t.co/zJZ0UQLMeP
— Department of State (@StateDept) January 21, 2015
.@ruth_messinger: @AmbCathyRussell's office focuses on addressing violence against women & girls globally. More at http://t.co/edqx0kI6FF.
— Department of State (@StateDept) January 21, 2015
.@DECA_greg Plastic pollution in our waters is a huge problem – but anyone can make a difference by reducing, reusing & recycling. #AskTheWH
— U.S. EPA (@EPA) January 21, 2015
.@MsHM211 Weather is more volatile now, too. Climate change means change happens faster & is less predicable. #AskTheWH
— U.S. EPA (@EPA) January 21, 2015
. @JamesTWestern 2015 budget http://t.co/La9LGTDNta update to congress of budget receipts, outlays, &budget authority http://t.co/DQrkc8bBeX
— Betsey Stevenson (@CEABetsey) January 21, 2015
. @EdDemaree Since '09 we've cut deficits by ~2/3. CBO says POTUS budget would stabilize debt:GDP ratio over 10 yrs pic.twitter.com/00CUUeUCy6
— Betsey Stevenson (@CEABetsey) January 21, 2015
.@WesCPE See how we're strengthening the quality of edu for an estimated 60K young people in confinement. #AskTheWH http://t.co/OwgPtfcNWg
— US Dept of Education (@usedgov) January 21, 2015
.@nikkig5 Teacher voice is a must in the policy-making process! Visit http://t.co/Yq26ZuEiSm for more info on how to get involved #AskTheWH
— US Dept of Education (@usedgov) January 21, 2015
.@tekstart Visit http://t.co/lo16yx99Zn for resources for educators, students & anyone who wants to learn more. #AskTheWH
— Energy Department (@ENERGY) January 21, 2015
We promote #STEM careers to women & girls w/ Women @ Energy series http://t.co/wwMeba7BWb #WomenInSTEM .@ratherbeskiing #AskTheWH
— Energy Department (@ENERGY) January 21, 2015
. @LexLex023 Communities can do a lot to prepare for climate threats -- check out our Climate Action Champions: http://t.co/YGt4cQ3ubz
— Dan Utech (@Utech44) January 21, 2015
. @BYuspeh Stong agenda this year to #ActOnClimate. 1 key step - final carbon standards for power plants this summer pic.twitter.com/S1Py4rELkW
— Dan Utech (@Utech44) January 21, 2015
.@TeamTnT280 @whitehouseostp Encouring women + minorities in STEM fields is key. Learn more re: some of our efforts http://t.co/U6scGuNWNS
— Kristin Lee (@Lee44) January 21, 2015
You can learn more about the second annual Big Block of Cheese Day here. You can also get involved by checking out what's happening at the White House on Twitter, Facebook, or other social media platforms.