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President Obama and Lil Bub accept First Lady's #GimmeFive Challenge

The White House celebrates National High Five Day for the First Lady's #GimmeFive Challenge.

As part of the fifth anniversary of Let’s Move!, the First Lady is encouraging Americans across the country to give out high-fives when they see someone making healthy choices. And she’s challenging everyone to #GimmeFive things they are doing to eat better, be more active, and lead a healthier life.

Celebrities like Beyonce, Conan O' Brien, Jimmy FallonJessica Alba, Ellen DeGeneres and many more have already accepted the challenge.

Today, American's favorite cat, Lil Bub decided to join in on all the #GimmeFive fun too.

Maybe Bub's #GimmeFive will even motivate First Dog Bo to get active and celebrate National High Five Day?

In honor of National High Five Day, President Obama joins Lil Bub and accepts the #GimmeFive Challenge. Here are five of President Obama's best high fives


